@dave @LukeAlmighty @alyx @s8n @Alex Most of the general population have confused war propaganda and decades of media manipulation for historical fact around WW2, america build an entire "we are the good guys" (goys) image around it.
Holocaust affirming is an easy and lazy path to take, and you will have system backing and social backing to do so, none of that means it was in any way what happened.
You should do the research yourself if you are ever curious what events claims, and numbers are entirely in dispute to this day and logistically could never have occurred despite the media-instilled wide spread consensus around this specific hoax of a "genocide".
The general population believes lots of retarded stuff the holohoax is not even among the worst of it. No on wants to address it because they would have to re-evaluate who they are, who their country is, and whether they are really the good guys they think they are, or they wrote in and reinforced the history that they were.
@LukeAlmighty @dave @loveFromBirkenau @s8n @Alex
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Nazi" seems to be the word equivalent to a tankie in common English, which makes a lot of discussions on these issues a bit annoying.
I sometimes try to make delineations of nazi/neo-nazi/white-supremacists, to try to make clear there are in fact multiple factions.... but yeah, way too many people just lump everything as "nazi", and it pisses me off, cause I don't think many legitimate WW2 Nazi Germany nazis are still alive. And while today's antisemites like to worship those past Nazis, they are not "worthy" of the name.