Youch. Can’t wait for bitter, condescending fools like this to hold every position of management and leadership in this country alongside 91 IQ foreigners

It honestly amazes me how loveless people are today. They’re so self-centered that every little thing they do has to be about them.

We don’t have a firm system, sometimes she does it, sometimes I do. I still don’t like how she insists on folding all my stuff all neat and tidy, I think it’s a waste of time for the underwear and workout gear, and she doesn’t like it when I wash clothes with the bedsheets. We just don’t think about it all that much, we don’t have any problems taking care of each other. Shit like this is weird.


I used to be afraid of the laundry when I was in high school too. But that was, because it was always described as this infinitely complex artform.

Then I found, that If I throw all the clothes together, to the washing machine, let it dry and... that's it. The exact fucking same result. I don't even need to iron unless I feel extra snobby.

@LukeAlmighty The Cult of Oprah really made hay out of talking up the gamut of domestic chores, and it never went away.

Laundry isn’t hard, cleaning isn’t hard, even cooking isn’t hard. The things that made them tiresome and difficult have largely been automated, and the only way they ARE tough to do is when you have a big family, with children (poorly parented) constantly undoing all your work as you go.

THAT is indeed hard and thankless, but women never made that distinction, instead saying “being a stay at home mom is the HARDEST job you’ll ever have!!!!” to boost each other’s ego. Now, their daughters are living alone and parroting that same idea without ever realizing that they’re at MOST doing the laundry for 2 people with more automation than ever and ordering food off an app for every meal.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty It's not even thankless, funny enough, unless being around your own little kids is torment.

Little kids are the best and I'm going to be sad when the day comes that baby girl stops wanting my attention all the time.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Forget laundry, I want to see HR-working, starbucks-sipping thots go from flax in the ground to finished shirt (no spinning wheel either, you get the distaff sticks). Hope you didn’t like TV that much and can tolerate gossip as your only entertainment, because this is literally hours-long work. “Ugh so sexist, why should I spend so much time doing that?” Hey, if you wanna swap me for the ultra-high violence-and-death rate, be my guest. Oh wait, I wouldn’t let you do that because I’m a man :stronk: :deusvult:

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Women love doing boring repetative shit thats easy and doesnt really end up producing anything of value. You can tell they're wired for it because they fill out coloring books or do diamond art or paint by numbers or crochet for fun. If laundry were high status and trendy they'd be making tiktoks denonstrating folding technique or some shit.

@Sprayfoam_Sal @LukeAlmighty As long as it’s appreciated. It hurts seeing a woman put in the requisite work to keep a home presentable to an HGTV-worthy degree without anyone in the family appreciating or noting it.

By the same token, she should appreciate it when we put in the work to bring home a paycheck to keep things running smoothly. Girls balk at the idea of greeting us at the door, write articles about how terrible it is to be told to greet her hubby with a kiss and a smile, but it really is an insanely cheap way to motivate us

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Sprayfoam_Sal
To this day, I think the best example is the oldest one.

"I won't make you a sandwitch, you're an adult, you can make it yourself" is the oldest one, but it still stands. Making a sandwitch takes 2 minutes FFS.

@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot And yet, the little mood buff I'd get from "Aww man, I didn't have to get up from the couch and make my own sandwich. This is awesome!" will last the entire day.
@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @Sprayfoam_Sal
If it only takes you 2 minutes to make a sandwich...your sandwich is shit. Up your sammich game nigga.
@Sprayfoam_Sal @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot someone should get that trending with the Navy's system for folding clothes, shit's tight
@Sprayfoam_Sal @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Folding is a black art to me. I always do a shitty bi-fold and I don't feel like I'm maximizing the space in my wardrobe. Can you offer any advice on how to get better at it?

@Intramuros_ @Sprayfoam_Sal @WashedOutGundamPilot
It should get you the exactly same results as folding carboard, and as a bonus, you won't even look autistic :D

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty >the only way they ARE tough to do is when you have a big family, with children (poorly parented) constantly undoing all your work as you go.
How do you get a 2yo to not make 4 new messes in the time it takes to clean one 🤔

@anime_outdoor @LukeAlmighty Not quite sure, it wasn’t a frequent problem with us, our parents always forced us to clean up our own messes or do equivalent work, so the messy kids in the fam spent just as much time whining and lollygagging on the floor as they did spreading crap all over

I kinda assume you accept a kind of cleanliness bankruptcy until they’re old enough to have some self discipline about that

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty > I kinda assume you accept a kind of cleanliness bankruptcy until they’re old enough to have some self discipline about that.
Yah that’s basically the deal as far as I’ve learned.
Take 10 minutes to cook some breakfast, and walk out of the kitchen into a living room you aren’t able to walk through without stepping on something.
Doing that from the time they can walk to the time they learn to clean up after themselves well enough (let’s say age 1-4), that’s a frustrating three years, and that time resets with every new kid, so you might have to deal with this deficit until the youngest is old enough (could be a decade+), unless you turn the older ones into the cleanup crew for the young ones.
I think that’s probably what most people do, but is not very fair or just imo.
I think a good solution is minimalism.
Limit the mess potential by limiting the number of things they can make a mess with.
Limit the number of toys they have accessible at any given time to 10-20, and cycle through them every few days perhaps.
Same with your stuff.
Probably had $150 of books destroyed because they are too accessible. Turn your back and it only takes 30 second for a toddler to grab a book off an open front, floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, and tear a chunk out of the cover of a paperback.
Again there is still a problem with multiple kids; 10-20 toys times three kids is still a large mess potential.
An even better solution is to embrace multi-generational households, but that’s easier said than done if you didn’t already grow up that way.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty I think this is my longest rant on here.
Kids are rewarding to have at every age, in little ways every day, and big ways every so often (milestones).
Knowing this, I still struggle to cope with the frustration of not being able to find 20 minutes on a weekday to work on a project I want to work on.
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