
Destiny just described homeschooling as "being a slave to your kid"

I know he's stupid, but how can anyone say that with a straight face and not shoot himself on spot is a mystery to me.

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@LukeAlmighty Pueris æterna. This people see childrem as burden because they are man childrem and burdens to society themselves, their solution is to never grow and push the problems and responsibilities on others aka. the ever growing government that uses this as justification for more tax slavement.

@LukeAlmighty I'd rather be a slave to my kids than have my kids become slaves of the state

@LukeAlmighty Destiny is

Anti White
International Commie
Controlled Opposition

Why are you even listening to him

Homeschooling give the option for PARENTS to actually EDUCATE by themself
- no anti whites
- no anti nation
- no state demands
- no International Jewish injection of 'facts' and 'truth'

>Why are you even listening to him

Because he is:
Anti White
International Commie
Controlled Opposition

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty fuck this "Destiny" guy.

what subjects (other than literacy, reading/writing) do you think are necessary for education. I think none are - if a person want so learn anything else they can do it on their own.

@KateMossFan666 @LukeAlmighty

We dont need the ((( STATE ))) for ((( EDUCATION)))

At the local , family and community level we can teach our own family and local community

Simple maths
Simple science
Simple cooking
our own culture
our own songs
our own customs
our own myths

Currently the International mainstream is
listen and believe
rockerfella funded
International New World 'knowledge'
misdirecting this timeline, culture and knowledge

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty >We dont need the ((( STATE ))) for ((( EDUCATION)))

I don't disagree at all. Some aristocrats spoke Latin or French even before they learned their actual language, why? - because their private tutors have taught them.

My personal opinion is "children should be taught to think, not WHAT to think", but thanks for the clarification and the list ("math", "science" etc)

The state is evil in my opinion.

@KateMossFan666 @LukeAlmighty

Statism is slavery
National statism is a recent ((( MODERN ))) addition to society

Even USA government documents admits that the USA National " Government" was founded on FREEMASONARY

Not international Judaeo Christianity

From what I see Earth is at least 6000 years of recorded history, not 2000, possibly and probly older

We were a better nation, society and population PRE the mudflood reset that happened 250-500 years ago

Check out
Old World

@charliebrownau @KateMossFan666 @LukeAlmighty
>Check out
>Old World
Thoughts on (((JonLevi)))? I know he has an extremely jewish name but his channel revolves around mudflood and tartaria

@meticore @KateMossFan666 @LukeAlmighty

I think he is on Jewysee also
that might be the guy with the really fucking annoying voice that i cant stand

Check out

Brazil Flat Earth Guy

Eric Dubay - Hiding in asia eating fruit pushing veganism

Dean Wright - Seems okay but he uses shit music while talking and smokes -

99% of jewtube is now anti White, anti truth, propping up mainstream

@charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty >Mudflood

Ok this is too crazy for me, sorry.
It is something familiar though, yes, some Russian guy on the internet told me about it, how some old buildings are partially buried under the dirt, etc.

I think it's an entertaninig conspiracy theory, nothing more.

Thanks for sharing though.
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