
@schmaker @gamingonlinux
That cannot end well.
Brother will try Skyrim, game gets copied from me, and out of nowhere, big boobs everywhere.

did someone say skyrim and boobs?
*Puts on work overalls, ensures top of butt is showing, grabs wrench, wears goggles*

I'm here to edit your armor slots
@LukeAlmighty @schmaker @gamingonlinux thism... Ugh .... Breathes heavily.... Ugh.... Cannot just... Cannot end well ugh..... A aahgghh.... Breathes heavily....... Agh . Ugh..... There is.... Aaggh...... To many boobs..... Breathes heavier..... Brotherrrrr skyrriiiiiimmmm AAAGGGHHHH why must you be..... Sooobsexy..................

Those big boobs...

Vresthes heavily.........
The are

My precious boobs..... Ugh

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