@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie >Is a boss of high-end business
Well fug! First item on the list and I already lost. :whyMelt: :whyMelt:
It's over real-women-bros!

@SuperSnekFriend @nukie “high end biz” to women isn’t what it is to us

They probably think an “entrepeneur” with a “club promotion’ business is high-end

@WashedOutGundamPilot @SuperSnekFriend @nukie For most of them when stripped of internet bravado it just means "has a real job and isn't a burn out."

@RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @nukie While I post a lot of the worst FDS takes, I actually read a lot of their points with sympathy. Guys love getting mad at it, but if you read through their posts it’s apparent that these dumb skanks are constantly dating the worst archetypes of men - the same guys I hate, too.

Problem is, the guys outside those archetypes aren’t visible enough for women to meet IRL, since a lot of ‘normal’ dudes largely become recluses, so women just keep trying to turn playboys into husbands. Then they complain, and the avg guys looking on from afar get blackpilled all over again.

@LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend I don’t get mad at my dog when she sneaks eggs out of the henhouse - she’s a dog, it’s what she does.

Expecting women to think like us is just aggravating. Once you shrug off the idea they have the same agency and rationale as men, it gets a lot easier dealing with them.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend Again I find myself glad I got the girl who just wants to read, draw, watch kids, and trade memes over steam.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend I think his point is more that holding women accountable is still very important. You don't just *let* the dog sneak the eggs, and you make sure it has some sort of punishment it understands.
Personally I'm of the opinion that while women aren't rational, but they also are vert capable of basic reason - God didn't create them to be a help to Man and then make them useless. Proverbs 31 doesn't describe a dog to be leashed

@merchantHelios @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend Only as much as they understand. A lot of women, without a good family, father, and educated by society are basically retarded. They’re totally lost, and they think they’re doing right by following the same self-destructive blueprint that society gives them.

women aren’t equipped with the same internal gyro that we have, that necessary rebellious streak that gets us to buck whatever the teacher tells us. Expecting chicks to bootstrap themselves and flout every female instinct they have is unrealistic.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend I had a chick at work who asked me why I’m so understanding, and listen so well. And I’m just like, “you don’t want to know.”

She goes, “No really. What’s the trick?”

Me: “You know how when a 4-year-old cries, you don’t blame the 4-year-old for crying. They’re four, they’re going to cry. All you can do is comfort them.”

Her: “yeah?”

Me: “and how you don’t get mad at a dog for shitting in the yard, because they’re dogs. They’re going to shit in the yard. It’s a thing dogs do.”

Her: “ Yeaaah?”

Me: “well I just expect women to be emotional and not logical. If you’re complaining about something, do you want me to explain to you exactly how to fix it?”

Her: “No. Generally I just want to bitch how about how I’m unhappy.”

Me: “exactly. You don’t think like I do. And I don’t expect you to think like I do. And because I don’t expect you to think like I do, I don’t expect the same standards from you that I would from someone like me.”

Her: “so you don’t get angry at us when we’re being unreasonable, because you just expect us to be unreasonable?”

Me: “Yup.”

Her: “You were right, I didn’t want to know.”

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend Of course, this was the same chick who asked me why she couldn’t find any good dudes. Just outright asked me, “You’re smart, why can’t I find a good dude?”

“Because you’re 27, okay looking, and have six kids by six different dudes. At this point, the absolute best you’re going to get, is an absolute simp with no self-respect. I don’t think you understand how much you need to lower your standards. Because at this point, on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a one.”

She really didn’t like hearing it, but she listened.

@LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @WashedOutGundamPilot No, a factory. This was an okay looking chick who kept cheating on her husband, and he divorced her after finding out all six of their kids weren’t his.

@LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @WashedOutGundamPilot Don’t feel pity. She was an absolute dog shit person. She stole all of the Christmas presents that her ex-husband got for her kids, and traded them for meth, and then overdosed on Christmas Eve if I remember it.

@Codeki @LukeAlmighty @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend Really hard explaining to single moms that nobody will ever love her kids the way she does. They just cannot understand it, they’re SURE they’re so loveable we’re dying to foster-father them.

Painful situation

@RupertvonRipp @Codeki @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend I often tell them “I don’t want to ‘raise’ a kid who calls me by my first name”

I’ve hardly ever seen a good stepchild relationship IRL. It’s always some poor guy being bled dry for some ingrate who constantly flouts his good intentions with “he’s not my REAL dad”

@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @Codeki @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend
I have a step bro, and it isn't a problem...

But my dad had his kids first. So, there is no shame. He knows he isn't being parasited on. So, that is one way I guess :D

@WashedOutGundamPilot @RupertvonRipp @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend The only good stepchild relationship I’ve seen, involves my cousins and my aunt. Because their biological mother is absolute garbage. Just human trash.

They treat their stepmom like she’s their real mom. And they treat their bio mom like she’s a stranger.

@Codeki @RupertvonRipp @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend I didn’t even think of stepmoms. Most of those tend to go okay, actually. I just never have my radar tuned for them

@WashedOutGundamPilot @RupertvonRipp @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend That was just the first thing to pop into my head, because my aunt’s oldest daughter treats my uncle like her dad, because her dad is dead. Has been since she was an infant. And my uncle’s kids treat her like Mom, because their mom is absolute trash.

As an example of how trash she is, when me, my dad, and my younger brother ran into her and her newest boyfriend, she hit on us because she knew it would piss off my uncle.

@Codeki @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend I know a woman like that. Trash beyond trash. She told me she hoped by kids ended up queer and with niggers. I hope she does alone in a gutter.
@RupertvonRipp @WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty @nukie @SuperSnekFriend Yeah, they got to the point where they told her she was dead to them after they ran into her with her new boyfriend, while her husband Kevin was dying of leukemia in hospice.

And when they reacted poorly, and asked her why the fuck she wasn't with her husband who was in horrible fucking agony, she just shrugged and went, "it's not like I can do anything. And being there just bums me out"

And that's why they tell everyone their biological mother died when they were young.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @Codeki @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend
My step mom loves me, and I know it...
But she is the most irrational, one dimensionnally thinking person I have ever met, and almost drove me to a suicide :ablobmeltsoblove:

@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @Codeki @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend
That's the better situation.
The worst one is when step-father loves them, and she finds a new cock to jump to.

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend “Your stepdad showed up and rescued us from the gutter and has raised you as if you were his own daughter. . . But this abusive shitbag gives me the tingles, so I’m going to utterly destroy your life because mommy matters most.”

@Codeki @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @SuperSnekFriend Getting echoes of redditard divorce culture. "Your kids need you happy before they can be happy" lol bullshit.

@RupertvonRipp @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @SuperSnekFriend Funny enough, the one case I saw this happen in real life, the child ended up way better off, because the mom just took off.

The stepdad, who had adopted her, ended up getting full custody and raised her on his own the rest of her childhood. She’s now very happy and healthy, with multiple children, and a loving husband of 10 years.

Her half siblings. . . Are either dead, on hard drugs, in jail, or some combination. Also, funny detail. The girl is half native American, and does not claim that heritage. Tells everyone she’s pure white. Her siblings all claim to be full-blooded Indians. Because they want the free shit

@Codeki @WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend That’s why we don’t talk about it.
You’re better off being considered understanding.

@epic @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend @WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah, there’s another chick that I end up having to explain things to because I don’t make her cry when I tell her things. The reason I don’t make her cry is because I watch my language like I’m babysitting a young child.

Instead of “You fucked up 4 hours worth of product, and here’s what you need to do next time,” I have to coach it as, “The quality department found issues with some of the product that was made earlier. Can we make sure that we do additional quality checks though the night to prevent issues in the future?”

Never say, “You need to do this.” Always word it as “We need to do this.”

And our supervisor will go, “Go get Amy to do X. I don’t know how to word it so she doesn’t take it as a personal slight.”

@WashedOutGundamPilot @nukie @LukeAlmighty @RupertvonRipp @SuperSnekFriend the ability to comprehend right and wrong is more or less universal though.... In truth, it's just that they don't care because society currently excuses them for being insane shitbags
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