
Client buys services for his money.
Politicians buy services for your money.

This shouldn't be a hard concept even for a commie.

BTW, thus is a serious one. I can look over other disagreements, but this one is critical.

You (a worker) made 500 dollars through hard work.

I (A politician), decide, that it is in your best interest, if I eat well, So I order a huge dinner in value of 100, from my brother, and I pay him 300 dollars straight from your earnings.

What part of this was ok? How is this comparable from you using your money to get something for yourself?

A) I didn't make 500 dollars via work, I produced more than that value, but the owner curtails a large chunk of it (surplus value) and keeps it as profit.
If I didn't make him more value than the wage he pays me he wouldn't have a profit, or reason to hire me.
With that said 300 is only minor part of the total value I made, and is to bs put in a pool of resources whose objective is to serve the community as whole (because it's more efficient than each paying their own, see healthcare Italy vs US).
Politicians aren't unlike board members, one elected by the populace, one by the investors, and thus bound to their electorate. The issue is that politics are influenced by capital (lobby, elector campaigns, etc...), as the wealthy have an interest to expand their markets, limiting public services and route as much money as they can towards their pockets.

Your example is also a bad one because my momey goes to the public pool of money, not directly to the pockets of someone, and can only be spent via budget allocations et all.

I asked you a serious question, and your anwser is:

> Because they steal from a "pool of resources"

Yes. They steal from everyone. That makes it even less fair. I ilustrated an example, where the taxed population was 1, because I wanted to simplify it. 🤦‍♂️

> can only be spent via budget allocations

Yes... That is called a magic tric. Do you seriously think your dad stole your nose? The mere fact, that they spend your money in a longer process doesn't mean it didn't happen.

> thus bound to their electorate

They provide NOTHING to me. They cannot even make sure to keep the fucking inflation down. They instead spend some of the money on campaigns designed to hurt me through DEI programs. So yes, it would be more accurate to say, that they stole my money to buy an ammo to shoot me with.

I cannot believe you have actually written something so incoherent.


> Yes. They steal from everyone. That makes it even less fair. I ilustrated an example, where the taxed population was 1, because I wanted to simplify it. 🤦‍♂️

Because of capital's influence over the state.

> Yes... That is called a magic tric. Do you seriously think your dad stole your nose? The mere fact, that they spend your money in a longer process doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I'm not even sure what' you're trying to point to here. Of course money will be spent from the pool of resources, and those ought to be to the benefit of the community, which, with capital around, isn't the case.

> thus bound to their electorate

> They provide NOTHING to me. They cannot even make sure to keep the fucking inflation down.

Roads, police, sewerage, military defense, welfare as an "insurance" to those who are showed into the reserve army of labour, cleaning of public land, emergency services and so on. Could more of that be directed to the public good? Of course yes, but the reason that doesn't happen is due to capital's influnce over society, not because for some magic reason politicians are completely different from elected member of private company boards.

> They instead spend some of the money on campaigns designed to hurt me through DEI programs. So yes, it would be more accurate to say, that they stole my money to buy an ammo to shoot me with.

Last time I checked you don't live in america

@LukeAlmighty Not to mention that under a free market reign, the politician is a commodity too!

There is no free market. Especially for people who print money.

You cannot buy someone with a money printer. That shouldn't be a hard concept.

Do you remember all the "my dad is bigger then yours" arguments on playground? Well, this is the same case. The politicians can go "my bank account is bigger then yours", and they WILL BE CORRECT.

> There is no free market. Especially for people who print money.
> You cannot buy someone with a money printer. That shouldn't be a hard concept.


> Do you remember all the "my dad is bigger then yours" arguments on playground? Well, this is the same case. The politicians can go "my bank account is bigger then yours", and they WILL BE CORRECT.

You seem to willingly confuse the public admin's budget with the personal account of elected politicians. Your " They can say my bank account is bigger then yours" falls apart just by checking who are the richest people on the planet: all of them are bourgeois entrepreneurs, who casually invest a lot in lobbying.
This establishes the rich bourgeois as the ones holding power, while the state is on the downstream side of this relationship.

> You seem to willingly confuse the public admin's budget with the personal account of elected politicians. Your " They can say my bank account is bigger then yours" falls apart just by checking who are the richest people on the planet: all of them are bourgeois entrepreneurs, who casually invest a lot in lobbying.


Politicians cannot give themselves the money directly. So, they GIVE MONEY to the people who give money to them back.


I didn't include the part of "My brother who just earned 200 in profit giving me 100 of your dollars back" because I thought it was obvious.

But at least we agree now on the exact mechanism this exploitation happens :D

And yet the richest are still the bourgeois. If that's their evilz plan to get rich, they got scammed🤣️

Your point right now is, that .0001 percent of richest people with total control of law are scammes, because .000001 percent who also have to bend to their wishes....exist.

Your stupidity knows no bounds.

If you're willing to ignore the fact, that these rich people are rich, because of government contracts that are predicated on a condition, that the recipient sends the money back, then we cannot talk.

Your analysis literally ends with "big number guy bad".

> If you're willing to ignore the fact, that these rich people are rich, because of government contracts

They aren't. Capital attracts capital, as having a larger starting capital enables to perform larger investiments and obtain larger returns than those who have less money. The goverment is but another client in this regard, and like all other consumers, it can be compelled to spend money.

> that are predicated on a condition, that the recipient sends the money back

You state that, but the fact that that the money flows mostly from the bourgeois to politics, with the bourgeois holding the largest amount of money, says otherwise.

Why do you keep separating the two groups?

Andrej Babiš
Our biggest politician superstar.
Property: 75 billion czk
Owns companies AGABSY, a.s. and Nadace AGROFERT.

And while he was Prime minister, he did send money to his own company.

It wasn't his money that allowed him to send nations money to himself, it was his position as politician.

Sorry jako.

@LukeAlmighty You yourself talked as if they were different subjects in the thread, and while there is overlap, most of the bourgeois aren't politicians

No, but all politicians are bourgeois with extra power, who go to the bourgeois clubs.

@LukeAlmighty I'm saying that the power flows from capital, and malding about taxes while ignoring the bourgies is laughable

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