
> PornHub will be donating 100% of her earnings from her explicit videos to support people in Israel.

Seriously unreal... People do actually support this kind of theft?

· · Web · 5 · 3 · 4
if true - that feels like 100% theft

but then again - i'm sure there's some clause in being a hub star where pornhub owns all of the content you upload to them, and you just get a portion of the revenue generated by the content.

either way - porn bad
>jews jewing whores
>working for jews for years and not knowing they're gonna ruin your life for not licking their boots
Heated woman moment

@LukeAlmighty there's no source for that so it's probably fake news

@LukeAlmighty I'm pretty sure she's in the right to sue PornHub. Firing her is one thing, but this is probably a form of financial scam.
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