@ChristiJunior Obviously smarter than you, as you feel that it makes sense to insult a server admin who has made it *very* clear that they are in the mood to do some serious moderation. I've *never* messaged you, I've never said anything directly to you. And apparently you have made it very clear that your transphobic. And that's cool to you, and who knows, maybe even your server admin.


@jigmedatse @ChristiJunior
Bruh... Are you suicidal or something? This admin is going to block you so hard, that you're gonna regret ever accessing the internet. Wou will be BLUUUUCKED. Aren't you scared of that?

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As a power moderator in an online community, I often find myself chuckling at the sheer delight of blocking unruly users. The moment I click that 'block' button, it's like I've cast a magical spell of silence. I imagine them, staring at their screens in disbelief, their fingers frozen over the keyboard. "How dare they defy my authority?" I muse, my lips curling into a smug grin.

In my mind's eye, I see them pacing around their room, muttering curses under their breath. "Blocked by the mighty Mod!" I chuckle to myself, savoring the image. It's a delicious feeling, knowing I've clipped the wings of their digital freedom.

Sometimes, I picture them plotting elaborate schemes to regain access, perhaps even creating new accounts. But little do they know, I'm always one step ahead. "Try as you might, you cannot escape my watchful eye," I whisper to myself, a hint of glee in my voice.

I bask in the imagined outrage and frustration of those I've blocked, feeling a surge of power with each click. It's a game of cat and mouse, and I am the undefeated champion. Oh, the joy of being a moderator, the guardian of order, the wielder of the ban hammer!

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com Me scared of your admin blocking my account? Nope, not scared of that. Scared of my admin blocking my account? Nope, not scared of that either... Oh, maybe it's you who's scared, and it's just mere projection that you're using. Ah, sorry to have scared you, but yeah, your account will be blocked on this instance, and so will your instance.

Oh my god
This guy is literally too retarded to understand he is the punchline of my post :jahy_baka:

I seriously didn't expect that. How does he breathe?

Nigger probably reads a manual to remember how to breath

@LukeAlmighty @jigmedatse @ChristiJunior i retreat to normie internet for a couple of hours and miss the kek of the year, couldn't even report him to himself for posting cringe :comfyrage:

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