So many windows Steam Deck clones... All of them using windows.

Kinda weird to think about, but the Linux is kinda bigger selling point to me, the more I think about it :D

To be fair, tinkering with Proton layers and not being able to play EVERY PC game is a turn off for most people. But that says more about the vidya industry than Valve.

Except... Since I have bought the dect, I didn't feel the need to thinker with anything.

In fact, and I know this sounds insane....
Some games worked even better on the deck, then on my PC. GTA IV for example didn't have the drunk camera, that I did get on PC.

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Some games require tinkering though, namely ones that AREN'T explicitly Deck Verified/Playable. But yeah, it's shocking how many games just work out of the box.
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