
I am insulted now...
Who is hiding the good stuff with women, who actually look like this?

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@William_The_Dragonborn @kf01 @LukeAlmighty it's a Korean twitter user
She's basically those pin up Asians you see posted by Raul
@kf01 @LukeAlmighty @William_The_Dragonborn pretty sure it's one of those gook girls who sells herself online
@LukeAlmighty Yeah, what the hell is that dumb bitch even talking about? Korean Ass Game is like the first PS5 game ever to actually feature attractive women. And Western Game Devs haven't been delivering the kind of women that journo is whining about in decades.

This is "Xenoblade 2 is Literally Hentai"/"2B is PedoBait"-Tier games journalism.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty sarkeesian has done so much damage to the industry that having a woman that doesnt have a horse face in a game is newsworthy
Kind of like that one woman who damaged tabletop gaming in the 70's (80's?) whose name I forget but was nicknamed The Wicked Bitch In The Vest.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
>2B is Pedo bait

Huh???? She's got the forme of an adult Woman and has an adult Woman VA.
@kf01 @LukeAlmighty I'm not making it up, this is something that faggots have said:'s_Analysis

>Nier fans do get that a main selling point of Automata is 2B having her ass hanging out while looking like an underaged girl, right?

>"But she's a robot, bro!"

>Piss off.
@kf01 @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty pedophilia is when girls have big tiddies, wide hips, and thick thighs
the bigger their tiddies, the more pedo it is
>women shilling their onlyfans left and right

@LukeAlmighty also man if that's what comically large breasts look like, I'm Osama bin laden

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