"One of the most common criticisms of Rand points to the exaggerated, cartoonish quality of her villains. But imagine traveling back in time to tell her that in 50 years progressives would denounce objectivity and the written word as “white supremacy” and wear name badges declaring their pronouns. Rand would have dismissed this prospect as too unrealistic for her novels."



What's the difference between reality and fiction? 

Fiction has to make sense.

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@LukeAlmighty Genuinely one of the worst things that these people can do is remove the ability for students who naturally succeed to have separate classes from normal students.

I used to have classes that were separate from normal students who weren't very good. I would consistently get honored classes which in my opinion were still kind of easy but I didn't feel like doing extra work so I just stayed with them.

But I wasn't very good at math so I never got honors for math and there is a world difference between normal classes and honor classes.

The normal students act like apes in a zoo, you can barely focus and do any work or even learn with these retards.

God I hope this never happens to my kid because if I ever hear that the school is doing this I'm immediately enrolling them in a private school no matter how broke I am.

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