I cannot believe my own eyes.
Bethesda seriosuly doesn't understand the ghoul lore. And what's worse is, that Simpsons described ghouls perfectly, INCLUDING BETHESDA'S RESPONSE!!!

@LukeAlmighty With the exception of New Vegas, I don't consider any Fallout media since the second game cannon.
Trying to make sense of the disaster the post-Black Isle lore is otherwise is just exhausting. :pooh:
@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty It's kinda in a weird spot. Neither Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, nor Chris Avellone were all not involved; it was commissioned by Interplay and mostly developed by a third party studio with little input from the Fallout 2 team; and it's existence is kinda extraneous.
I will confess, I have never finished it, although I did start it many years ago, and while I remember thinking it wasn't a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, it's not really "Fallout," in the way I think of it. I would need to play it again and finish it to give an informed answer.
I'm not aware of any glaring lore inconsistencies in Tactics (not like BHoS or 76, anyway), so if you want to count it as "one of the good ones," go nuts.

@Indigo @LukeAlmighty You could also try Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 3, which seem to be the spiritual successors to Fallout. (Ironic given that Fallout was meant to be a spiritual successor to the first Wasteland)

@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty I absolutely need to play Wasteland 2 and 3, they've been on "the pile" for a long time.
Maybe this summer... we'll have to see.
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