@narnia Wrong - my default approach was to have empathy for all, it's just that Muslims, Jews and nonwhites have consistently proven that they will not reciprocate, and as such I've decided to only care about the people similar to me, aka White people and Christians.

So again, Assad slaughtering Sunni subhumans to protect Syrian Christians makes him a motherfucking HERO in my eyes :assad_undefeated:

RE: https://rebelbase.site/objects/b2b2d046-1dda-4517-be97-eaa958f40674
You are wording it as if (in your case, white) Christians have never been the first to commit an aggression against another group. This is not true. As an example, did you forget the take-over of the Americas? I'm sure you wouldn't go as far as to put blame on the Indians for their genocide, because they supposedly did (white) Christians anything that would warrant said genocide?

The problem with you and many like-minded Christians, is that your empathy has too high of a price, which is pacifism. I think any human being with any bit of dignity would not pay such a price. Because that would automatically imply a genocide against them. Therefore, you have no empathy for any dignified human being who isn't a white Christian.

So why should they care about what you think?
@narnia I'm not even a believer, just a Cultural Christian, but it's very obvious that White, Western Christian Civilization represents the height of human achievement, while the only 2 things Muslims ever got right was controlling women and embracing tribalism.

Of course, if White Christians could again just embrace that same kind of Tribalism, we'd dominate the world and eradicate our enemies within weeks.
Multi-multiculturalism has its problems, but bringing in people from outside of Europe has also benefited European nations. It has increased the population with workers, soldiers and talents. You can deny that, but many PhDs are non-white and are contributing tremendously. Even European scientists have benefited from past feats of science and engineering that many times did not originate from Europe. All of these factors have contributed to the domination of the Western world in warfare and technology. Nations build from each other.

What one could call Western prosperity is not exclusively white nor Christian.

@narnia @ChristiJunior
>>> Multi-multiculturalism has its problems, but bringing in people from outside of Europe has also benefited European nations.

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 clown alert 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

So, what exactly are these benefits you're talking about? If you mean cheap labor, then I have news for you. You can import cheap products from abroad too without the need for undocumented slave class.

But, are you seriously so naive to believe, that this slave class is worth total destruction of societal trust? Increased crime rates? How about return of extinct diseases? Oh, and what about motherfucking religion of peace?

@LukeAlmighty @narnia I'll add something else about the tiny minority of intelligent, educated nonwhite immigrants. How many of them are actually coming to serve and support Europe's White majority? Because if they're coming to compete with us, they're Enemies. And if they're coming to conquer and replace us, they're Enemies that should be dealt with by any means necessary.

@ChristiJunior @narnia
Sure, but tribal arguments are way too advanced for modern globalist brain to understand

@LukeAlmighty @narnia Oh no, Jewish Globalists at least have no problem understanding and supporting Tribalism for their own kind...
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