so they do want to do it, but you want a ready-made skilled worker you can pay minimum wage
@deprecated_ii skilled labor, especially for physically intensive jobs, there is more demand than there is supply. Even if you are willing to pay them well. (the business I have association with, after covid, was having to pay them like they were engineers with years of relevant experience xD)

It got even worse after covid. I think the vax culled a lot of people in a critical age range.

I'll add the qualification that, a majority of the available people will either steal from you, or will do such a poor quality job that it creates more work for your company. (also had a few that, just didn't want to work, they do just enough so it is hard to tell, but they are doing fucking nothing if no one is watching).
@hazlin there is no lack of honest people who like working with their hands. the workforce that exists didn't materialize from thin air, it was built with on the job training that nobody does anymore, and paid a lot better relative to cost of living when the existing old fart workforce originally joined up

now they expect you to spend several years and a big pile of money before they'll even talk to you, and starting pay is 2/3 what you need to live in poverty. of course hardly anyone wants to do it

@deprecated_ii @hazlin
I talked about this with dad.
When he got to school, he was given free education, housing, and a promise of a future job, in exchange for a contract, that he WILL be working there for several years.

Meanwhile, these days, it's a lottery of "guess what job will be in demand 8 years from now :D"

@LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
There needs to be a forced retirement age. If you've been working the same job for 30 years, it's time to go because at that point, you've long since reached marginal returns and are only holding up the line.

I can tell you how many boomers I've worked with who brag that they can "retire right now" but they never do and it blows my mind they don't have something else they'd rather be doing with their time. I can't wait to permanently drop out of the system and truly be free, and I haven't even hit 40.
Heh nothing personal kid but we are all holding the upward mobility at gunpoint so I can pay off my new boat which I will never use because I complain I dont have any pto days.
That's exactly it. They all complain about being in debt, but every few years, it's a new toy or a new house or both (all financed at 6.66% interest, of course)
@LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
>we got a sizable bonus last year if we signed an exclusivity contract for a year
>all of them went and bought new shit instead of paying off debt.
@pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin my uncle just retired and his employer was bending over backwards to get him to stay. same story with my father in law couple years ago. the problem is there is nobody to replace the experience of the 30+ year types, companies either don't do a good job training people for it, or they don't do a good job retaining talent once they've developed it.
@EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
I can see that. My last company didn't want to train people bc trained people expect pay raises.
@pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin yeah, and when you don't give them raises, they fuck off with all that training you invested in, often to a competitor.
@monsterislandcolonizer @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
That's a hard lesson I just recently learned. There's only punishment for company loyalty, i.e. low or no raises followed by layoffs.

Basically, Forbes got it right:
@pepsi_man @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin Yup
I read somewhere that all the wage growth post-covid was from job-hoppers
I need to start doing this
@monsterislandcolonizer @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin thats what I did, I left this place because I hadn't got a raise in over 2 years. after covid the guy that replaced me bounced and they asked if I wanted to come back, so I gave them a big number and they said when can you start.
@monsterislandcolonizer @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
Go for it.

I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner.

Obviously, make sure you have a signed and accepted offer letter before you go to your boss swinging your dick around.

Good luck.
@pepsi_man @monsterislandcolonizer @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin companies used to be more deserving of employee loyalty, but it's rare now. if they're going to treat you like a 'human resource', then treat them like a paycheck.
@pepsi_man @monsterislandcolonizer @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin and always remember once you give that sort of ultimatum the clock is ticking, they'll always remember and at least passively look for someone to replace you

not saying don't do this, but once you pull the trigger commit and be a mercenary with em
@pepsi_man @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin My employer has a strict policy of not wage-matching and theyve told this to people before, who they proceed to beg and plead not to quit when they DO get a better offer.
@deprecated_ii @pepsi_man @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @hazlin He got a $10/hour raise and a $20k bonus when he went to the new company
There's no way they've had paid him that lol
@monsterislandcolonizer @pepsi_man @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin President of my company has told me to let people walk when they ask for more money. So there's no plan to retain talent and experience

Surely then the plan is to poach talent from elsewhere or offer a competive wage to bring in new hires? Erm, well, uh, no. We don't do that either
@DEERBLOOD @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @monsterislandcolonizer @pepsi_man @hazlin ours is currently going for an IPO or buyout so they're just letting everyone leave so the company looks better on paper

@pepsi_man @monsterislandcolonizer @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @hazlin Facts. I only stay at my current company because I'm unsupervised and they never make me do any work. If I moved, yeah sure I'd get a 20-30% raise, but I'd also have to do 90-100% more work.

@caekislove @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @hazlin True for me for a while but my current boss rides my ass about working so it's not fun anymore

@monsterislandcolonizer @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @pepsi_man @hazlin Looks like it's time to call up a buddy who works for one of your bosses competitors, then!

@caekislove @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @monsterislandcolonizer @hazlin Yeah me too, I’ve worked here so long I can do all my essential stuff mostly on autopilot, then work on the other fun stuff when Im feeling motivated or actually have to finish it. if I wanna go somewhere else and make more, it’ll either be a lot of travel, or a high stress eng Proj management role or something like that and I don’t need the extra cash bad enough to sacrifice family time or be a miserable stressed out asshole. But I also work for an aging boomer who has no apparent plans for the company when he drops dead so that’s always there.

@EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @monsterislandcolonizer @pepsi_man @hazlin If he doesn't care he might be up to selling the company to you for a song when he finally retires.

@caekislove @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @monsterislandcolonizer @pepsi_man @hazlin He has no intention of retiring, I think he’s gonna just keep going until he drops dead (which literally happened years ago but the EMTs managed to bring him back) or he physically can’t do it anymore.
@EssentialUtinsil @caekislove @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin I used to do my job on autopilot but my current boss isn't happy unless the people under him are stressed out
@EssentialUtinsil @caekislove @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin I live VERY close to work but I'm considering looking for somewhere farther away because I may be able to make more money for the same level of stress elsewhere.
@caekislove @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @pepsi_man @hazlin Bro this job has driven me to drinking
I used to buy beer once a month or so now it's like 3 times a week

@monsterislandcolonizer @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @deprecated_ii @pepsi_man @hazlin Same. It's emotionally distressing as a White person to know that I'm not living up to my full potential.

@EssentialUtinsil @pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty @hazlin the time to find the replacement for the 30 year man was 25 years ago
It's worthless bc the boomers that have it, don't want to pass it on bc muh boot straps.

I talked to one guy who said that even with a master's degree, I would quote "have to start at the bottom like everyone else."
@LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
@pepsi_man @brimshae @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin True that that's bullshit. But its also true some rando with "the right qualifications" can show up and become middle management, then proceed shit up everything for people that have been with the company for 10+ years. Usually for ego "gotta make my mark" reasons rather than true practicality.
Funny you mention the middle management thing bc that's exactly what happened where I used to work.

New owners and a new CEO and in less than 3 years everything is going tits up.

It was so bad at the campus I worked on that they fired the girl boss campus lead.
@brimshae @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
@Squadalah_Man @pepsi_man @brimshae @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin hey it's why i left my old job and just started a new one this week (i'm in over my head)

There needs to be a forced retirement age.

Terrible idea. the old farts have their use, and it used to be at the head of the training, QC, floor managing at the end of the apprenticeship pipeline. The murder of which being what you are complaining about. Kneejerk reactions against the remnants will not bring it back.

@rher @LukeAlmighty @deprecated_ii @hazlin
That's true. But where are these apprenticeships? Cause I can't find them. All I hear from old farts is how: "millennials don't work hard enough and back in my day blah blah blah wanna see a picture of my new house that only cost $250k?"

The old heads should be training the next generation, but if they're not doing that then they gotta go.
@pepsi_man @rher @LukeAlmighty @hazlin the chain has been broken for too long, it's going to take generations to unfuck things
Funny that.

A hundred years of progress and struggle can can get totally fucked by 20 years of rock music and LSD.
@rher @LukeAlmighty @hazlin
>But where are these apprenticeships?
Dead for at least 40 years minimum. They vary between states and in mine it's been near 80 years.
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