Since everyone is posting the pride flags, here is a flag I am proud of.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty The Internet was so much better when everyone was rebellious and flew pirate flags rather than today's pro-business/pro-government leftist cucks flying gay pride flags.

@redneonglow @beardalaxy
Ironically, the single most pro-globalist political party in here.... call themselves pirates. :blobcatcry:

I wish I was joking, but lefties ruin literally everything.

@LukeAlmighty @redneonglow the us pirate party is a supporter of privacy, copyright reform, they prioritize individuals over companies, and are all for transparency when it comes to government. all stuff i can get behind. but then they're like "we don't like bigots" lmao.

i'm talking more about just like, software pirates lmao.

@beardalaxy @redneonglow
Well, our retards push for centralization of all data the government has on you into a single database.... For your own good... :andyburnt:

@beardalaxy @redneonglow
I even saw them recently cite WEF during their conference. I seriously wasn't expecing them to be that blatant with their globalist bullshit.

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