
People are seriously retarded.

Someone posted the dumb old question of "what gaming world would you want to live in?" And people are unironically posting:
BOTW Hirule (So, a world going thourh a cataclism, attacked by demon controled robots, with destroyed government and infrastructure.)

World of warcraft (That shit is going through DECADES of war by now. And not just any war, but war using weapons beyond my comprehension. No, thanks. I don't want to be eaten by undead spider)

Just... No!!!

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@LukeAlmighty tbf living in most gaming worlds would suck ass since they basically consist of super conflicts that a protag must overcome, the only safe answers would be stuff like animal crossing or stardew valley lol
@meeper @LukeAlmighty guaranteed success even if youre an ugly fat bastard!!

Tamriel is one world, where I consider an exception to the "but war and crisis and hunger" rule, since in that world, normal humans still have a better experience then current pesants. (well, they have options for an unusual life)

Also, just compare the scale of danger.
In Tamriel, if you run into Daedra, you die. Obviously. But in Hirule? You die there if you run into a group of bats. And don't tell me, you would fight them off. Your sword that you can barely afford would break after 5 swings ;D

@LukeAlmighty Hyrule without all the bad shit happening would be a lovely place to live.

For this question, I always answer with animal crossing. So easy going. Small town where everyone knows each other and does nice stuff for each other all the time.

Could be fun to be in the F-zero universe too, get to see all those insane races.

I'm afraid, that one isn't much better, with stones randomly falling from the sky, the holes and the evil monsters being genuinely a lot stronger.

But the infrastructure is slowly getting started, so yes. That seems to me like a better choice.

Where would you like isekai?

I honestly think the guardians are scarier than the new monsters though

They are -_-

The average monster in Tears is scarier and more dangerous.... But guardians were a league of their own :D

Well, I have also not tried fighting the dragons, but they are just a few of them in the entire game.

@LukeAlmighty Isekai me into Warhammer 40k as a dumbshit peasant guardsman with a Lasgun I will be living my best life
@LukeAlmighty @Curvin some endless AI voiced description and summarization of a long manga or manhwa series
@LukeAlmighty @Curvin Here, maybe this is more your speed, American Isekaied to fantasy world... gains 'America' power. This one is a full work week's runtime, and there's more chapters being done..
@LukeAlmighty @Curvin They seem dumb at first, but, can get addicting for background noise.. Can't wait for new chapters of this one:
@LukeAlmighty a game like goemons great adventure on n64 is filled with towns that have restaurants and shit where people just live there and chill forever so that would be good to live
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