I see, that you guys are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better then the best of our physicists combined"

@Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild
Maybe, that they spend their entire lives studying physics, to anwser physical questions?

Do you understand, that "how the universe was created" is a physical question, right?

@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild you made it a philosophical question by using "created" you alliterate mongoloid
@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild i "create" a boiled egg
therefore, your assertion is that the Universe was created, and by any definition that means by God
whew lad, you should have taken the L instead of trying to be clever

@JoshuaSlocum @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild
I asked HOW...
And you anwser by rewriting the rest of the question.

Briliant. Exactly the level of intelligence I expected.

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@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild doesn't matter how, you numpty
i, me, a being, a consciousness, "created" a boiled egg
by using "created" you undermined your point
stop having opinions, you don't have the chops
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