I was curious to see just how bad that DIE-slop Dustborn truly was, so I checked out Synthetic Man’s stream of its opening couple of hours.

Wow, what a fucking shitshow:

- The game literally opens up with the following lines: “SHIT. Shit! Shit. SHIT. God DAMN this shitting SHIT”, as if the writer just discovered AVGN yesterday and had his mind blown.

- We quickly touch upon ACAB themes, and our heroes apparently kill some cops pursuing them by causing the police car to crash (they of course only feel bad about this for a few seconds).

- The main characters are all introduced with Preferred Pronouns, and one of them is of course a They/Them.

- Not a single White male among the heroes, hell, possibly not a single White person period. We got a skinny black bitch with lesbo mothers, a morbidly obese sheboon with vitiligo (!) who also turns out to be a Muslim (!!), a tranny with the body of a Korean boy band twink (not even a hint of boobage), but a female voice (the hideous character design makes it hard to tell if he’s supposed to be White, Asian or mixed-race), and a male swarthoid who’s easily the most sane, relatable character, and therefore he’s kinda the loser of the group, with no special powers.

- In a stunning display of projection and missing self-awareness, these lunatic anti-beauty, pro-censorship SJWs label their enemies as Puritans, and explicitly invoke 1984, to the point of waving the actual book around.

- The game seems tailored to game journos: even with directional arrows always telling you where to go, there’s still these Giant Glowing Letters flashing above every single plot destination. Also, you can literally take a bathroom break during your Dustborn song performance, and you still won’t get a Game Over.

- All the bad guys express conservative and/or dissident right opinions, including Covid vaccine skepticism, and in a dream sequence you get to murder them. Also, the game mocks PizzaGate – and then 5 minutes later have your heroes perform a song where you rhyme “new porn” with “newborn”.

- The villains in the game express their opposition to political propaganda in entertainment, because not wanting SJW bullshit shoved down your throat makes you a Bad Guy.

- JFK survived the Dallas assassination, and somehow this lead to American becoming a Fascist Dictatorship – what are these niggerfaggots even trying to say here?

And just in case what I said wasn't bad enough, during the tutorial for hoax, you start by using the worst lie in history of "we're the goog guys man..."

You say: The kids are ok...

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior this game isn't just woke shit it's like actually borderline evil

I cannot believe my own eyes 1/2 

@beardalaxy @ChristiJunior
Ladies and gentlemen, we got them. The biggoted transfobic monsters of a developers dared to commit the cardinal sin of modern leftist ideology.

They misgendered one of the characters. And I don't mean in jest, or as an in-game character. No, they did it outside of character, just to be assholes towards the brave caretaker.


I cannot believe my own eyes 2/2 

@beardalaxy @ChristiJunior
Since I cannot upload both video and screenshot at once, here is the other half.

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