
It seems, that Star Wars Outlaws is a 15h game.

It costs 130$
This game is per hour more expensive then cinema. I thought, that we were long over that shit already.

@LukeAlmighty i think people are overexaggerating by calling it a $130 game. it's only a $130 game if you want to play it 3 days early and suffer through all the shit that comes with that for some reason. what's more predatory is day 1 mission DLC you can't unlock unless you pay an extra $40 on top of the $70 game.

but if we're doing things like comparing the game's cost per hour, should probably use the $70 line for that. in which case, still more expensive than cinema. it's still about overall quality though, because i'd rather pay $70 for a really good 10 hour game (especially if it has some replayability) than $10 for a shitty 2.5 hour movie. in the case of outlaws, not going to even bother lol.

I get your point, but I by principle try to rate the full game as offered.

Yes, it does mean, that I automatically shit on all Monster Hunter games for 252 DLC, but they should have thought of that before doing such an idiotic decision.

Also, it shouldn't be my job as a customer to spend weeks trying to figure out what shit should I boy or not. I want to say: Make me an offer. And they made a $130 offer, I will judge them on that.

If you went to restaurant, and said: Make me an offer, I don't care if they bring me a lobster, or a glass of water. I just assume, that it is the best thing they have.

To this day, I am pissed at IO for making such a horrible mess with pricing of Hitman games. Try getting through that mess, and figure out, what is the cheapest way to get 2 new games, when you already own the old one, and the DLCs for it. It is an insane mess.

@LukeAlmighty I mean, movies are shit nowadays too. So pick your shit sandwich of choice: movies or video games.

It's Factorio. A czech factory building game.

And it's the best in the entire genre without any challanger getting even close.

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