Wisecrack stream:
> Jordan Peterson's hosts.
They are not a serious perople, and they are not taken seriously by serious people.

> And I think that's something that can be a helpful method of evaluating who we should or shouldn't take seriously.


You cannot make this shit up. This is the level of intelectual rigorousness of the leftie philosopher kings.

@LukeAlmighty Are they saying that Juden Peterstein isn't a serious person? Because to an extent they are right, that dude has some serious demons and the only reason Ben Shapiro keeps him around is to try to keep the people that thought that "clean your room" was a minding blowing statement corralled.

I don't mind them not liking Jordie...

But the cyclic logic used to justify it.
People I like don't like him, therefore I am correct in not liking him.

That is the definition of a retarded logic.

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@LukeAlmighty Oh yeah, leftist ideology is entirely top down. There is no original thought going on in their heads. Just repeat whatever they heard from their superiors.

Sorry for not being clear on that. I am just insanely autistic, so I LOVE following logical chains.

But yeah, I cannot take Jordan seriously. He thinks being high is proof of supernatural. He also doesn't even know, that he is an atheist.

And if that wasn't enough, his daughter is a known whore, and he is known for overdosing so hard, he needed to spend the withdrawal in an artificial coma.

Cleanest room in the world... :omegalul:

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