
Normies be like:
Autistic people need a system for everything, or they will go insane.

The same normies 10 min later:
What do you mean you don't eat 3 times a day?
Are you insane eating THAT for a breakfast?
Isn't it too late to drink coffee?

Unfortunately. It's probably why I'm autistic.
Normies do things due to peer pressure. Not to say autists are immune to it, but if someone does something different and it doesn't effect them they're far less likely to get assmad about it.
That's my problem. I'm too dumb to give in to peer pressure.
I love that autism is such a romanticised disorder, that all the people who claim to be #actuallyAutistic are just retards with no disipline, meanwhile most people I know with diagnosis are being doubted, because they try and work on themselves and don't lie down in defeat

fucking normies get off my impairment REEEE
@lunarised @LukeAlmighty I have a few relatives that have autism really bad and I some of them do actually need help for a lot of stuff. So we kind of have the opposite problem. The people that romanticize it are like "it's just a different way of thinking!" because I guess they only interact with people that have it mildly, and throw the people for whom its an actual disability under the bus
@sun @LukeAlmighty 100%. I know some people that do have a debilitating level of autism, so much so that they can't really look after themselves, and they have very un-measured reactions. I think that grouping Autism and Aspurgers under the same name has caused alot of people to not understand that for some, its not just a quirky "i only eat chicken nuggies hehe" disorder

Sorry if my point came across as offensive or sweeping those people under the bus <3
@lunarised @LukeAlmighty @sun
>I think that grouping Autism and Aspurgers under the same name has caused alot of people to not understand that for some, its not just a quirky "i only eat chicken nuggies hehe" disorder
@lunarised @LukeAlmighty It did not come across as offensive, I totally understand what you meant!
@sun @LukeAlmighty @lunarised I think the "it's just a different way of thinking" part is quite a lie (including to themselves), or at best an oversimplification.
Like pretty much by definition autism means social issues even between other autistic people, and then also sensory issues…
Ones who have it mild can cope but I don't think they can really ignore it, specially when tired.
@lanodan @LukeAlmighty @lunarised yeah it is false that autistic people are autistic in the same way, you literally cannot accommodate everybody all the time.
@sun @LukeAlmighty @lunarised Yeah that said I do think mild autism can be accommodated a bit with even just awareness of commonly bad environments.
Like general stores here putting silent hours probably helps, specially the ones that tend to blast music quite loudly.

(Meanwhile here I get irritated by crowds so I stick to small stores and typically going there in the middle of the afternoon…)

@lanodan @sun @lunarised
Well, but it's not though. Once I get to a group of autistoc people, I feel the most normal I ever have.

It's called doubble empathy problem. And I seriously believe it.

@LukeAlmighty @sun @lunarised Also had that feeling until well… you still end up in awful situations in more permanent groups that are just due to poor social skills/capabilities.

Sure it's better, but it's not like some kind of brain compatibility issue with normies.
Although part of me is curious about ones raised within autistic groups as socializing does lean heavily on that.

@lanodan @sun @lunarised
You obviously understand, that an autistic society would grow a different standarts, that would mitigate the common issues, but we have to figure them up by ourselves.

So... yeah. I would love to see that research too.

@LukeAlmighty @sun @lunarised Yeah, society I could see it, or like political organisation, special schools … implying trial and errors and likely even case-by-case (and like I don't think the sensory issues can be easily avoided, I kind of feel like they're comparable to mild allergies).

So more complex than like "let's just group ourselves together, it's going to be fine".

@lanodan @sun @lunarised
Well, no. All of the following things would be a natural result of grouping autistic people together. It's just, that you don't appreciate the millenia of traditions that form your society. We aren't that lucky. But.... I believe It would happen on its own.

@lanodan @sun @lunarised
Ever since I found a group of healthy autists about 3 years ago, both my social life and mental health started to improve immensely. The depression is almost gone, and the exiety is getting smaller every single day. I was even able to withstand one insanely stressful situation with next to no long-term trauma, even though it's the kind of event that is known to be enough to force people to suicide.

But... I am still 25 years behind. The only way to secribe this kind of deficit is to compare it to a situation I heard of from a nerve damage patient. He said something to the effect: "I am healing. At this rate, I could walk again in 40 years. So, by that time, I will be....120 years old"

It is just the kind of lasting deficit that life just won't be long enough to heal.

> If you manage to hild your life together, you don't deserve the name.

Thanks asshole

@LukeAlmighty Im sorry, i cant find the bits where i implied that, That is not at all what i think fwiw

@LukeAlmighty actually i say those three things to my normie friends all the time lmao. some of my friends, i have no idea how they actually survive because it seems like they barely eat anything. like, the quintessential normie breakfast is literally just a cup of coffee.

@LukeAlmighty It's true the autistic people depend on a regular routine to give them an even keel for emotional stability. Normies pretending that disruptions in their routine don't cause them to fuck up is bullshit though. How many times have we all heard someone say they're having an off day, because one thing in their routine was off?
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty ​That's why I always carry Moon crystals to absorb the harmful rays of the Moon. Checkmate, Moon.

@LukeAlmighty it's never too late for coffee. now is the correct time, all the time
@LukeAlmighty >Isn't it too late to drink coffee?
As a coffee enthusiast I must say the normalfags are right. I constantly fuck up my sleep schedule drinking heart-attack juice.
@Kerosene @LukeAlmighty I just never drink any except right before an exam, but I don't notice it then either so idk why really
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