BTW, I am quite ""afraid"" of the moment, when people on the left realize, that the people on extreme right are in fact complaining about the same topics, but instead of just balming it all on systematic systems of abstract identities, they blame people who do actually comit evil acts.
If you call a Russian mafia "the russians", is it wrong, only because russian civilians outside of the mafia exist too?
While your complaint is valid on a linguistic level, it is so pedantic, that if you used it on literally anything else (except for strict scientific descriptions), people would laugh you out of the room. Words representing groups do have a range of interpretations and both outliers and false inclusions. Everyone knows that at the age of 3.
I know you aren't retarded. In fact, I do like your posts quite often, so let's not lower the debate to the level of kindergarden wordplay.