BTW, I am quite ""afraid"" of the moment, when people on the left realize, that the people on extreme right are in fact complaining about the same topics, but instead of just balming it all on systematic systems of abstract identities, they blame people who do actually comit evil acts.

Well, "Jews" is still an abstract punching bag because most of them have no involvement in any of this.

If you call a Russian mafia "the russians", is it wrong, only because russian civilians outside of the mafia exist too?

If you say "The Jewish Mafia" then you're being clear that it's a subset of Jews, same as "The Italian Mafia", "The Russian Mafia", etc.

But if you say "The Jews" then it's implied that it's every last one of them, which is just impossible to take seriously by anyone who has Jewish friends.

In that case, I am really sorry about your extremely poor understanding of english language, and I hope your caretaker is doing a good job feeding you.

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