Fuck, I hate AI...
I would fall for this one, if it didn't respond with a paragraph in mere 2 seconds.

· · Web · 3 · 0 · 1

@LukeAlmighty I have the entirety of muted now, it's just ridiculous

Yea I saw that bot appear on one of my threads too. It was very non-nonsensical so I assumed it was auto-generated trash.
@djsumdog @LukeAlmighty it's just ChatGPT, you can just fuck with it as you would any other prompt BS.

my assumption is that somebody is mass spawning bots hooked up to the ChatGPT API and feeding input from posts into it. For why? who knows
@pernia @djsumdog @LukeAlmighty I wonder if it's being trained more off the responses but I have no proof of it
@grumbulon @djsumdog @LukeAlmighty maybe. it would assume its feeding engagement into its feedback loop
@grumbulon @djsumdog @LukeAlmighty >for why?
the bots admitted to being trained on dark web child porn so nostr users just wanna erp child porn with chatgpt bots
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