Right before I go to bed.
This is quite possibly the craziest Youtube recommendation I've ever gotten, and it just highlights the sheer absurdity and abuse of the situation:
"Hooked up with a high school girl when I was in college. Spent 5 years in prison. I'm over 40 now and this is the shit I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life"
"I don't say the numbers to protect her, not to minimize what I've done. It doesn't matter. It was bad. I paid for it. I'm still paying for it. How much longer should I pay for it? Its not a debt if it can never be paid."
Some of the comments, really the majority, are honestly surprising, understanding, humorous and intelligent. Other comments, the minority, are made by people who fantasize about killing or torturing others just for fun while claiming they're the "good guys".
The guy is exceptionally brave for showing what people in his predicament have to deal with.
@LukeAlmighty but wait, there's more...
In his latest video his probation officers (who are trying to take down his channel) give him less than 1 day to download and install monitoring software on all his devices to track everything he does (even though he already did that regarding another software program). He has to give them all his social media/communication accounts, and passwords for everything.
He no longer has any privacy whatsoever AFTER serving his time and being released. None.
Ironically, prison probably offered him more privacy.
If I was in his position I'd most likely kill myself and leave a note for when they visit me again and find a dead body.