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Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not dead. Sorry to disappoint.

Where was I? I decided to do an experiment. For the past year, I have used a different account, on another instance, under a different name. There I had a policy of not following anyone unless they followed me first, and following back anyone that followed me, no matter what. I wanted to see what's the worst that can happen, how toxic Fedi can become. I wanted to see Fedi unfiltered. I guess y'all didn't disappoint.

Some of you, I've stumbled upon again. Some I got the pleasure or displeasure of following again (because you followed me first). Some of you I barely got to talk to, and some not at all.

The experience started decent enough, the first half of the year was ok, but later on, the experience became unpleasant enough that I started opening Fedi rarer and used it less. In a way, that is a positive in itself, but there are better ways to quit social media. Turns out, if you just follow everybody on Fedi, your timeline has the potential of becoming useless trash very fast.

If you're curious about my alt identity, I'm sure you can find it. There are enough clues out there and I'm not planning on deleting that account or erasing any of my posts. But I will not name the account myself, and don't expect a confirmation from me if you confront me with it. Personally, I'm amazed no one made the connection already.

What will I do going forward? I don't really plan on coming back here, nor on continuing with my alt identity either. I might be here for a day or two, but I'm moving on. Where? Who knows. I'm not planning on telling anyone anyway.

I've met interesting people on Fedi, and I don't expect to forget them anytime soon. But, I don't see much usefulness in Fedi anymore. It was an exciting platform because I met people with views different (mostly more extreme) than what I've seen before. But this has grown stale. And since I prefer anonymity and fading away in a crowd, let's say that too many people for my tastes, on either account/identity, have come to know me.

So I'm gonna start from scratch somewhere else. I haven't even decided where yet, so don't ask.

I laughed with some of you, and I fought with others. I bear no ill will to anyone. I've seen plenty of you burdened with too much hate, so I hope you guys find enough happiness in your lives, so that you forget about hating. I hope all of you get to be happy.

Thank you Igel, @Awoo and BigCums for introducing me to this world. I shall continue to awoo, drool over Asian waifus, and make big cums for as long as I live.

Goodbye for now. Have a good 2024!

Your friendly neighborhood, Half-Life loving Hinata waifu, signing out.


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Girls, don't be like this. Watch this to the very end, and take it as an example of what NOT to do.

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The ultimate video/documentary on the original PS3 failures.
If you own one, or know someone who owns one, this might be important to watch.

A PS3 Story: The Yellow Light Of Death

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Man, I love this day. I keep finding funnier and funnier shit. This alone will help me laugh at Apple fanboys for weeks on end. I think I'm gonna save it as a meme, and just send it to any fanboy that tries to kiss Steve Job's desiccated ass.

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Whatever you do, don't ligma balls.

I do very hard work to keep my balls clean, thank you very much. The last thing I need is you tainting them with your filthy ligging. Keep that shit to yourself. Lig your own balls.


TikTok might be banned in USA, but it's available in Europe. How funny would it be if I started teasing Americans with my ability to access TikTok? I'm guessing not that funny since this is Fedi, and you're not a bunch of zoomers.

I know they took preventative measures, and did all the testing, but I can't help but feel that Nvidia doing liquid metal on the 5000 series is a bad idea.

I do like what they did with the rest of the PCB and cooler design. Quite beautiful imo. I hope that motherboard connector is sturdy enough, but otherwise everything should be good.

Fun fact, there's a good number of Trump mods on Nexus Mods. Why they have such a hate boner for the Marvel Rivals one, but didn't take down all the others, I have no idea.

Everybody talks about the right to bear arms, but what about the right to arm bears?

P.S. also they should be getting jetpacks too!

I've decided on a New Year's resolution. I want to learn how to hack your PC/laptop and install Windows 11 on it. :blobdevil:

Pst... Hey... our jetpacks are guaranteed to get you to the moon.

They say justice is blind, but is Justice flat?

My New Year's resolution is to break all your screens so that you don't have a New Year's resolution.

Had a dream the other night that I was watching a comedy show that pitted AI recreations of actors and celebrities against the real persons. And the AIs were kinda funny, but more because they were kinda saying random nonsense. Kinda like Neuro-sama I guess.

>news headline
>man burns car after fight with girlfriend
I'm sorry, but that's a woman. That's not a man thing to do, that's clearly a woman move.
If this headline had come from any other country than my own, I would have assumed this person was a transgender.

Had a dream that I gave my hard drives a bath... literally dunked a dozen HDDs in a tub full of water. A few 2.5" ones somehow had a translucent case, and I could see them being half-filled with water.

What the hell was my brain thinking?! I don't even know if I can call this a dream or a nightmare. The whole thing was definitely shocking enough that, half-way through the dream, my brain realized "what the hell did I just do!". The rest of the dream was me trying to calculate what are the odds that if I let them dry out, that they'll work again.

All I can say is, I've never woken up and be more thankful that it was just a dream.

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