Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not dead. Sorry to disappoint.
Where was I? I decided to do an experiment. For the past year, I have used a different account, on another instance, under a different name. There I had a policy of not following anyone unless they followed me first, and following back anyone that followed me, no matter what. I wanted to see what's the worst that can happen, how toxic Fedi can become. I wanted to see Fedi unfiltered. I guess y'all didn't disappoint.
Some of you, I've stumbled upon again. Some I got the pleasure or displeasure of following again (because you followed me first). Some of you I barely got to talk to, and some not at all.
The experience started decent enough, the first half of the year was ok, but later on, the experience became unpleasant enough that I started opening Fedi rarer and used it less. In a way, that is a positive in itself, but there are better ways to quit social media. Turns out, if you just follow everybody on Fedi, your timeline has the potential of becoming useless trash very fast.
If you're curious about my alt identity, I'm sure you can find it. There are enough clues out there and I'm not planning on deleting that account or erasing any of my posts. But I will not name the account myself, and don't expect a confirmation from me if you confront me with it. Personally, I'm amazed no one made the connection already.
What will I do going forward? I don't really plan on coming back here, nor on continuing with my alt identity either. I might be here for a day or two, but I'm moving on. Where? Who knows. I'm not planning on telling anyone anyway.
I've met interesting people on Fedi, and I don't expect to forget them anytime soon. But, I don't see much usefulness in Fedi anymore. It was an exciting platform because I met people with views different (mostly more extreme) than what I've seen before. But this has grown stale. And since I prefer anonymity and fading away in a crowd, let's say that too many people for my tastes, on either account/identity, have come to know me.
So I'm gonna start from scratch somewhere else. I haven't even decided where yet, so don't ask.
I laughed with some of you, and I fought with others. I bear no ill will to anyone. I've seen plenty of you burdened with too much hate, so I hope you guys find enough happiness in your lives, so that you forget about hating. I hope all of you get to be happy.
Thank you Igel, @Awoo and BigCums for introducing me to this world. I shall continue to awoo, drool over Asian waifus, and make big cums for as long as I live.
Goodbye for now. Have a good 2024!
Your friendly neighborhood, Half-Life loving Hinata waifu, signing out.
The ultimate video/documentary on the original PS3 failures.
If you own one, or know someone who owns one, this might be important to watch.
A PS3 Story: The Yellow Light Of Death
Fun conspiracy theory: New York is not real. It is a fictional city that doesn't actually exist. Have you actually been to NY? No you haven't. No one has. Because it doesn't exist. You just see it on TV and think it's real because the news man told you so. They make it sound just important enough so that the world thinks US is so badass to have a city as successful as New York, but still isn't named as the capital, so imagine how grand the actual capital must be. But at the same time, they also make it sound bad enough that you don't want to go to NY. The most rich city imaginable, and the subway system sucks? How much clearer could they be that this is one big psy-op to make enemy countries jealous.
Wake up sheeple!
P.S. And of course 9/11 never happened, duh! Twin towers collapsing in an non-existing city, yeah right. Clearly they put another psy-op within the psy-op just so they could start a war. Quite brilliant actually. They didn't even have to plant explosives to demolish a real building. Inside job? More like job inside the green screen movie studios at Hollywood!
This is so fucked up. Thought not surprising. I've been saying since Zero Dawn's release that the new Aloy model looks like my male cousin. Also, the chick from the Star Wars game (forgot her name and I refuse to search it up) reminds me of Orlando Bloom from Pirates of the Caribbean. Surprisingly handsome as a man.
Western Female Characters Look Awesome With A Beard
Just another random person passing by.
The Alyx Vance must go this way anyway.
Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.
I wasn't designed to be carried.
En Taro Igel!
Lift me up, let me go...