13. That's one heavy topic... The horrifying reality is that it will happen. It already has, in China, although it was done by a rogue doctor.
I'd rather human gene editing be banned, but it will first be allowed as a means to cure genetic diseases and conditions, like Down syndrome and such. After that, it will be allowed as a means to prevent/cure other diseases, like AIDS or cancer. Then you'll get genetically engineered soldiers, and finally designer babies.
This is not a descriptions of what I want the future to be like, but what it will be like eventually.
15. "He/him lesbians"
I'm not entirely sure what this is referencing. There are too many cases I think of...
If it's a female, that pretends they're trans, and is attracted to women, she's a lesbian.
If it's a male, that pretends they're trans, and is attracted to women, he's straight.
If it's a female, with gender dysphoria, that actually transitioned, and is attracted to women, then he's straight, I guess.
If it's a male, with gender dysphoria, that actually transitioned, and is attracted to women, then she's a lesbian, I guess.
It kinda depends a lot on whether the person in question is genuine trans, or a trans-trender wannabe.
21. Blame women's makeup for microplastics. Ever heard of exfoliating products? Yeah, those are apparently done with microplastics.
As normal plastic products are kinda non-biodegradable and sturdy, it takes time for a normal water bottle to leach out microplastics. But if your product already shreds plastic into micro-beads, that helps with polluting the environment faster.
48. I don't find "death of the author" convincing.
If the author said his work meant to say "the sky is blue", I don't give a crap how you want to interpret the work, it's objectively true that the work meant to say "the sky is blue".
But if you can present evidence that "the sky is blue" is inconsistent and self contradictory with the work and other things the author said about his work, then I'm listening. Cause this could be a case of the author changing statements to align to new paradigms. An easy example of this is how the Wachowskis suddenly The Matrix is about being trans.
But without presenting such evidence, that the author had ulterior motives behind his words, "death of the author" doesn't stand imo.
52. Meninism is a meme. No 1 to 1 exact opposite of feminism actually exists.
You have a near perfect score.
time for a date then
53. Fuck all commies.