

I really hate it that environmentalists completely forgot about the 3 Rs and went straight for: eat the bugs and drive electric cars (but not really cause we've sabotaged the electric grid).

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@alyx I wonder what's the iFixit score for a tesla, probably something negative.
@lanodan @alyx the iFixit score is fuck you that's a violation of the DMCA we're suing you and oh btw we messed with the computer on your tesla it won't get updates anymore (I wish I was joking the messing with "their" computer happened to that security researcher)

@roboneko @lanodan
Can't be worse than your average iDevice. There are non-computery stuff on a car that you can fix.

@alyx @lanodan on a Tesla? other than the brakes and tires, what? I thought almost all of it was heavily computerized and DRM'd to shit

@roboneko @lanodan
Brakes and tires is already more than you're allowed to fix on iDevices.

@alyx @lanodan wasn't the fingerprint reader DRM'd on those? pretty sure they'd pull a keurig with all the wear parts if they ever started manufacturing vehicles

@roboneko @lanodan
Yup. You couldn't fix the home button cause it had the fingerprint reader with DRM in it. You couldn't change screen or battery cause it was DRM locked with the mainboard. And on iMacs you can't upgrade RAM or storage cause it's soldered or proprietary in some way.

@roboneko @alyx inb4 DRM for the brakes and tires like on a fucking printer.
@roboneko @alyx Also reminds me that on some cars you have proprietary ~screws for the tires just like on a fucking Apple device.

(Officially supposed to prevent theft, I guess repairing is theft)
@lanodan @alyx you mean the wheel lugs? at least in the US there was way too much of a problem (this was something like 30 years ago) with tires being stolen from parked cars. at least the ones I saw would have a single lug nut that couldn't be removed with a standard socket and the tool for it would actually come with the car as part of the spare tire kit or you could always buy one from the dealer

none of the recent cars I've done work on have had this. not sure when it fell out of favor

I'm not sure how effective a deterrent it was in practice since realistically a huge range of car models would use the exact same one. I guess it made the theft a bit more complicated though

it's like those "security" screw heads that you can buy the full range of weird drivers for at the hardware store in a single kit so what was the fucking point?
@roboneko @alyx
>you mean the wheel lugs?

Special tool that comes with the spare tire kit is fair I would say, could also see something like a key being used to unlock access.

That isn't is not having it being provided, so flat tire means getting towed.

Also I'm in France, tires getting stolen is pretty rare, unless maybe you're in some kind of shithole.
@lanodan @alyx well the US is, uhh, a very mixed bag as you probably already know :02_laugh: the latest one here is literally cutting the catalytic converters off of parked cars in broad daylight with battery operated power tools

I've only seen the locking covers a few times not sure why they weren't the norm instead of weird nuts
@alyx the greens are also the same ones buying the new iPhone every year most cases...
@alyx pretty sure you got that out of order

environmentalists: drive electric cars

also environmentalists: no nuclear, no coal, and no oil drilling

everyone else: ok fine I guess we'll just import it

NATO: lol yeah good luck with that

WEF: now eat the bugs

I used to dislike Germans for their historical war blunders.
Now I HATE them for shutting down nuclear power plants.

@roboneko @alyx I never thought I'd be collecting solar panels and battery banks, but here we are xD
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