
The annoying thing about holocaust deniers is that you can't actually have a one-on-one discussion. God knows how they do it, but if you approach one, they all come out like cockroaches. I've stopped giving attention to the thread, but my god that thing has continued for hours, and you keep having new morons stumble in one after another.
And every once in a while, you will see a few that intentionally try to bring the flock to you. I won't be having that.

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P.S. was a mistake. In the before times, threads were more "diverse", you'd see more instances interact. Now all too often, you have majorities in every discussion, and the issue is: they're often basically as robotic and identical to one another as the average reddit or twitter user. They're predictable and boring. If feels like I'm talking to the same person that just has a bunch of different avatars.

@alyx This post warrants a proper reply, but I am too tired to go into this. :sadpanda:

@alyx That has been basically every single interaction I had with BasedKaiser : boring and repetitive.

People who disagree on mainstream thought on any particular topic are likely to coalesce together. That’s natural. I know I do it whenever I think the mainline narrative is wrong or, worse, deliberately fabricated/deceptive. I am just tired of hearing about the holocaust, regardless. I don't care. It's such a weird and bizarre obsession of Westerners. I'm tired of hearing people talk about, tired of hearing people argue over it, tired of hearing people question it. It's a dead horse whose carcasse doesn't even exist anymore because it's been beaten into a pulp which has been ground into dirt and evaporated by the elements. But people still sit there and spend hours and hours and hours pounding the sand it once laid on.

Proper way to discuss jews:

>jews suck
we know
@alyx TBH I do think the holocaust did happen. My personal issue is with the lack of accurate information regarding what happened. So far most of the information about it are anecdotic and coming only from one side of the conflict. What would be preferable is a situation in which you have what jewish survivors say vs what national socialists say vs what historical evidence says that happened. And I just don't see that happening.
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