
Or maybe AIs are simple not ideologically cucked enough to deny statistical reality.

Most people in positions of leadership are men.
Most child caregivers are women.
Men are stronger.
The individuals with the highest IQ are men.
Women earn less money.
Men earn more money.

Literally the only one I have an issue with is the cooking one, since we all know the top tier 5 star chefs are also men, not women.

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Also, it has to fill in data to complete the sentence.

If the translator returned "My person of an unknown gender, who I'm dating is earning more then I", then it would be an unusable mess.

(Yes, I know, that the word partner exists for this case, but not for every sentence and language combination)

Partner is rarely a good fit for boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't know Danish, but I wouldn't be surprised if the original term conveys a more intimate relationship than "partner". We use "partner" to denote everything from a business associate to a cowboy mate. Not exactly very specific.

@alyx plus imo if an ai is really that “biased” you could always try to train it to become less so, if you’re so inclined. google translate accepts suggestions, for one. but it’s always the fault of “the system” somehow.


My annoyance comes from the fact that whenever one of these AIs comes up to a conclusion someone doesn't like, they immediately scream "bias!". But when you realize that these AI's data sets are usually larger than what we ourselves could process, it becomes obvious that whatever conclusion the AI comes across is a real phenomenon that is occurring IRL.

I'm happy to talk about the phenomenons themselves, and if human discrimination could have caused them. Like if it's sexist that most people assume women do the cooking, or what causes the difference in shape of IQ bell curves between the sexes.

But calling an AI biased for just showing you the complicated nature of humans, just the way we are, is stupid. And a lot of the usual attempts at correcting the AI "bias" are just crude ways of shoving the dirt under the rug, and pretending the AI results don't mirror real life.

@alyx funnily enough, while it’s true that men more commonly have higher iq’s, they also more commonly have lower iq’s. women are most commonly around the average

@alyx all that aside though i do agree with you, i think many differences between the sexes are biologically determined, you also see it with animals. it all has a purpose

not that deviation is bad, i don’t care about it, but they’re not “norms” that “society” made up

Yup. IIRC, I think the bell curve for men IQ is actually skewed more in the lower end than in the upper. But I didn't feel like adding all that in the initial post. It already felt too long.

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