
>he made *shock* COMMENTS! How dare he!!!

Like we already don't know that the writers would have completely destroyed Witcher, if it weren't for Cavill, who actually made an effort to understand the source material, to correct the bitches in charge, and put his foot down on how the Witcher would actually act in a scene.

I just LOVE that they don't actually have anything solid on him. They can't say he was sexually harassing or abusing anyone. All they have on him is that he was "disrespectful" and "made comments". As if any of that is illegal or morally wrong in any way.

Go shove it up your ass, you cunts.

P.S. I'm happy to learn there's one more actor I can trust to have a spine and respect for his profession. There's not a lot of them left, so we must treasure each and every one.

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