I can't tell what's worse, people still insisting on using Windows or macOS despite them becoming even more locked-down than ever or the freetards who insist on using only FSF-approved GNU+Linux distros that can only run on 2011 Thinkpads.

Don't listen to these idiots. Even using a shitty distro with SystemD such as Linux Mint or Pop_OS is 1000x better than putting up with the bullshit that Microsoft and Apple are giving you and will give you in the future. Despite most GNU+Linux distros coming with some proprietary software, I have yet to encounter a single distro that requires you to link your installation with some online account, unless you count ChromeOS, Android (which is only Linux, not GNU), and SteamOS. I would say that you should stay away from those distros and maybe stay away from anything RedHat or vanilla Ubuntu, and that you should install Librewolf after installing your distro as most distros still bundle vanilla Firefox as the default browser, but other than that, you should be fine.

And look, I would love to see the day where nobody has to rely on proprietary software anymore, but we are just not there yet. I still like to remain optimistic, despite all the blackpills, but you need to be pragmatic about this. Sometimes, you do have to work within the system before you can fully replace it.


@xianc78 I fell into that for a few years mostly out of autistic paranoia, which I was ironically cured of when sent some emails to Stallman and he literally just said "calm down, avoid telemetry, data collection, and javascript."

For me it is always down to mitigating and keeping as much stuff as I can be bothered to libre. I unfortunately am still beholden to muh vidya. I don't know if those types of people see it as some epic flex to be as libre as possible or if they were as paranoid as I was. There's a point where it becomes a distraction. I think people should try to get others away from windows and mac first.

@arc @xianc78 I don't care about the guberment glowing away - I care about freedom.

It's not paranoia if you're are actually correct, although poor mitigations to the problem may be worse than the insult.
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