I'm at a point where I just don't think I am skilled enough at my classes to pass on getting the work done alone. I really feel so retarded. Like literal skill issue at shit other people can do just fine. I'm so scared, there's two weeks left until graduation and I still have no semblance of whether or not I'll pass my last classes. It's been so long so if I fuck up now I don't know how I'll recover.

Fuck. Fuck. I just gotta get through May.

Was playing Mario Kart in game room with the regulars and someone called me the Waluigi version of Crypto Luigi :gigaChad:

Had a dream that Joe Biden told everyone to Helldive to the polls

The music reverberating throughout my apartment as I am 400 tabs and eight hours deep into pixiv and e621 looking for the perfect picture to end my night to


Alright my new life starts now, time to lock in and get on the grind!!!! (Leaves clean clothes unfolded in the hamper for a week)

I spend more time thinking about working than getting work done!!! Fuck!!!

Goodbye and thank you James. You helped me grow a lot... gah. Sorry for sadpost but people gotta see him...!

Procured my sister's old iPod... I always thought the 3rd gen was the coolest looking!

I luv my 10ft by 8ft dorm room all my frens are here. Beer, musics, Sonico, and Italy :)

Should I get Spotify? Really contemplating it... I don't like the idea of the big company with a proprietary service, but I get half off with my Uni e-mail and also they have a ton of random musics I can't find without going to a private tracker...

I bought an old CD player from Goodwill, all it needed was lube on the CD drive's rails and it works great. It's got a front window so I can see the spinny disc :konata_happy:

Got a backlight kit and shell for a Game Boy Color, I'm so happy that it turned out so nice looking :blobsobglasses:

Man I have eternal regret from using the Benjamin Franklin half dollars my granny gave me on candy

Truthfully that song isn't related to Pearl Harbor Attacks in any way but it goes hard

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