Get done final exam in one class I was super worried about and think, wow, that wasn't so bad, I think I'll get a pretty good grade!

Next class, feeling confident, I volunteer to do presentation that I wasn't even done with, unprepared and on the spot, and begin stammering and freezing in front of everyone, forget how to read my notes somehow, stand in silence in front of a blank projector for actual minutes. The day would have been amazing if I didn't do that

I'm at a point where I just don't think I am skilled enough at my classes to pass on getting the work done alone. I really feel so retarded. Like literal skill issue at shit other people can do just fine. I'm so scared, there's two weeks left until graduation and I still have no semblance of whether or not I'll pass my last classes. It's been so long so if I fuck up now I don't know how I'll recover.

Fuck. Fuck. I just gotta get through May.

I spend more time thinking about working than getting work done!!! Fuck!!!

Goodbye and thank you James. You helped me grow a lot... gah. Sorry for sadpost but people gotta see him...!

Procured my sister's old iPod... I always thought the 3rd gen was the coolest looking!

I luv my 10ft by 8ft dorm room all my frens are here. Beer, musics, Sonico, and Italy :)

Got a backlight kit and shell for a Game Boy Color, I'm so happy that it turned out so nice looking :blobsobglasses:

Grip or no grip? Dammit, I'm really indecisive... ;_; Or, any other recommendation for a gamepad under $25?

An observation I keep seeing that is probably only funny to me

Everybody posting these, a month ago I was at like 100 WPM but I've been practicing :blobcatuwu:

lmao this is garbage, I guess I'll get my $15 back, I probably should have done research

Yay, too bad this is basically like Gold rank in SFV so I am still a scrub...

As cool as Japan was, I was massively home-food-sick, first day home in the US I needed this hot and juicy fucking thing in my mouth immediately

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.