This goes with what I said earlier, every gamedev community (outside of /agdg/ threads) is pozzed. You will be ostracized unless you fully subscribe to SJW ideology. It's why even in the indie scene, it's hard to find non-pozzed game developers. You even have to request an account (while providing links to other sites and profiles for manual approval) just to be on this instance.

If I get the time, money, and resources, I would love to create a forum, fedi instance, XMPP/Matrix server, etc for the few gamedevs that don't subscribe to this cancer. I don't know how many people would use it though.

@xianc78 if it's something you're serious about, I'd be down to talk about it and try to help contribute. I think a big thing would be focusing on the games over anything else. It irks me when forums or discord servers have a politics section because it just causes problems where people get vitriolic and/or it becomes an echo chamber that permeates to the rest of the community that's there.

@beardalaxy I'm not doing it anytime soon. I got too much going on. I agree we should be focusing on games more than anything else. I feel like the "anti-sjw" gamedev community focuses more time on obsessing over how SJWs ruin everything than actually making good games. I'm kind of guilty of that as well.

@xianc78 yeah it gets combative and extreme, which makes the other side more combative and extreme. Nobody wants to play a game that exists solely to shit on people and that's something I think the right tends to fuck up on. The politically correct still make amazing games, they just have weird trans propaganda in them and shit like a character being non-binary being listed in their bio and they just exist to be a token of inclusivity or something.

Games made by explicitly right wing people just tend to be way too overbearing and they feel like ass to actually play. It ends up just being kind of tacky.

Just join outpoast and gamedev it up in there.

@heyarnold @xianc78 we're already on an instance with "game" in the title lol ;)

You are a wild game instance. Used for discussions on deer hunting
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.