I'm playing Degrees of Lewdity for the first time and I just wanted to take out the trash and a dog is trying to rape me. I don't to lose my virginity to a stray dog :alexjonescrying:

@matrix degrees of lewdity is an absolutely insane game, there is so much crap to do and so much that can happen. But yes, you will get raped by everyone and everything unless you turn off some settings. Dolphins, spiders, eels, slimes, tentacles, dogs, wolves, horses, pigs, fantasy creatures, there is even vore with giant worms and whales. Definitely check those settings lol, there is some useful stuff to change in there if you don't want the full range of options.

There is a lot I could tell you about the game, I've been playing for a few years now, but it's better to just find out those things for yourself ;) btw, the next update that comes out adds player pregnancy.


>she's just missing from school for like 3 days

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