Somehow, I hate Jonny Silverhand. While the concept of the character is amazing, he seems to be missing a few rewrites. He's literally in my head, but I haven't heard him say a single line that impressed me in any significant way.


@LukeAlmighty at first, johnny just pissed me off and was annoying. i ended up liking him a lot though. doing his whole side quest really shows off his character more. not to mention, the car you get from it is fucking awesome.

do you have a favorite song from the game so far?

I tend to play games with music turned off. @dave can confirm that I'm just weird.

So no... I will have to give the soundtrack a listen.

@LukeAlmighty @dave there are a LOT of bangers in it. if you're not playing it with the soundtrack going, you're missing out! it really helps sell the vibe.

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