Certain gays need to see this
Support trannies
Support freaks
Support people with different tastes than yours
or you're next

@Jazzy_Butts my whole entire life i've never hated people with a different sexual orientation. i hated when it was used as a get out of jail free card, an excuse for being a shitlord, or an excuse to be pampered.

i don't give a fuck if adults decide they want to transition and then live a normal life. it's the culture around LGBT as it currently stands that fuels the hatred. the child grooming, the invasion of protected female spaces, taking advantage of autistic people, and promotion of poor mental health. there's a point where the benefit of having someone feel more accepted is far outweighed by the sheer amount of people it hurts (let alone the AGE of the people it hurts) and we have 100% reached that point.

as someone who really cares a lot about children, i think the current LGBT shit is extremely damaging to them. not even just directly, but indirectly too. they are growing up in a twisted world that will prey upon them every chance it gets and they need strong support, not validation of degradation.

I'm going to take the time and address as much as I can

>my whole entire life i've never hated people with a different sexual orientation. i hated when it was used as a get out of jail free card, an excuse for being a shitlord, or an excuse to be pampered.


>i don't give a fuck if adults decide they want to transition and then live a normal life.


>it's the culture around LGBT as it currently stands that fuels the hatred.

There is no such thing as gay culture and the gays who say there is are faggots. Being gay is not a culture. A Nigerian gay and a NY gay have nothing in common besides being gay. Not a culture. A Nazi and a Communist who both like Harry Potter are not a culture. A subculture perhaps. But that doesn't mean much.

>the child grooming, the invasion of protected female spaces, taking advantage of autistic people, and promotion of poor mental health.

Gays are not a hivemind, I don't blame all blacks for filthy nigger ape behavior so why should I blame all gays for filthy disgusting rapists? To do so would be fucking retarded.

>there's a point where the benefit of having someone feel more accepted is far outweighed by the sheer amount of people it hurts


>(let alone the AGE of the people it hurts) and we have 100% reached that point.


>as someone who really cares a lot about children, i think the current LGBT shit is extremely damaging to them. not even just directly, but indirectly too. they are growing up in a twisted world that will prey upon them every chance it gets and they need strong support, not validation of degradation.

These are valid feelings and I understand them because I used to feel that way myself believe it or not, and not even that long ago either. I had personal experiences with openly gay persons and let those negative experiences lead me to the conclusion that gays are a monolith (but not me, I'm one of the SPECIAL gays), that gays are a problem, that it's best for them and me to be in the closet because that's what's respectable, and other things which I don't agree with now simply because it's not respectable to me to have to conceal parts of my identity or habits, a hypothetical example follows - Joe asks Bob what he did last night, Bob answers honestly that he had a date with his girlfriend and it was enjoyable. - Now I want Bob to be treated with the exact same normalcy and respect if he had a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. But so many would say that such a story would be disgusting propaganda and grooming. Open your eyes. Plenty of faggots are trash but do not pretend the greasy chuds are any different, or any better. And stop conflating opposition to the AOC as support of rape please.

@Jazzy_Butts first of all this isn't about gays, it's mainly about trannies. they are the absolute scourge of LGBT and should have never been included in the first place. being trans isn't a sexuality, it's a mental disorder. a bad one that needs a lot of attention and care paid to it. one that can manifest by taking advantage of a person's need to fit in, particularly in autistic people. you took an argument about trannies and turned it into one about gays, they're not the same thing.

second, the "not all gays are like this" point is completely out of the window. there are gays that aren't like that. hell, i have an old trans friend that actually hates the current state of everything right now. but when you have entire pride marches screaming "we're coming for your children" they all need to burn. the movement needs to burn. it's not just the action of some trannies doing despicable things, it's the fact that the entire LGBT group makes excuses for them or downright praises them.

i'm not concerned with the gay people who just act like normal human beings and realize that maybe trannies taking over female sports is a bad thing for the women. that maybe autistic and lonely people are being heavily preyed upon. that maybe, just maybe, the trannies want to go behind the backs of parents to convince kids they are trans and do debauched things with them, like "all ages drag shows" or "all ages nude swimming parties."

there are lines that need to be drawn, firm stances on what groups need to be protected and represented, but LGBT is so far up its own ass that they think they are the ultimate group that needs to have absolutely everything catered towards them, and they are willing to do anything to force that notion into reality.

if i were a woman i'd be fucking pissed off right now. i mean i just saw not too long ago a speedrunning article about women in speedrunning, and they were ALL TRANNIES. imagine being a girl who is already at a disadvantage competing against other men, and you've had some great accomplishments, but none of it actually gets highlighted because men pretending to be women get highlighted instead. that's fucked up! and nobody speaks out against it because it's social suicide in that circle, because it's run by trannies and tranny allies. you'll be banned from participating in it ever again. there absolutely is a culture behind it and if you don't see it you're completely ignorant.

@beardalaxy My original post is about gays so idk what you're on about, we're talking about gays, and how the niggerfaggots in established conservatism will never accept them and will only use them as tools until their usefulness has worn out.

@Jazzy_Butts your original post is about gays being targeted next. I'm refuting that by saying that people only hate trannies because of their antics, not because of their gender swap. If gays aren't pulling antics, then they won't be hated. If they are, then they will be hated and they will be next. That's why it is important for gays who don't like all the tranny shit to speak out against it and not subscribe to the LGBT bullshit. In fact, there should be more trans people speaking out about it, but instead it just gets perpetuated because they feel like people who are trans can do no wrong. If there were more trans voices outweighing the shitty side of it then we wouldn't be here right now. They're mostly silent. I've only heard my friend criticize it in any capacity.

There will always be haters of every group obviously, but the only reason you're seeing so many people get so up in arms about trannies is because they're horrible people and a lot of people seem totally fine with just letting them have their way.

You don't get to the point where someone loses a sponsorship deal for saying "Leave kids alone" without people HATING your guts.


@Jazzy_Butts most people don't give a shit who you are, they care about what you do. And the actions of trannies are anything but virtuous.

@beardalaxy if you were to say "The actions of bad people who HAPPEN to be trans" I'd be able to agree

@anemone @Jazzy_Butts I'm blaming everyone for not standing up to the actions of a few, and in many cases actively joining in. I've said already I have a trans friend who is against it and I'm totally fine hanging out with them and I'll respect them for that. The problem is that there aren't enough trans people mobilizing to gatekeep it... Because that's not a part of the agenda.

@anemone @Jazzy_Butts well, you have the gays against groomers group. That would have never even started if the trans menace hadn't grown as big as it has, which is reason enough for any reasonable/knowledgeable person to actually start thinking about if this shit is really promoting healthy society or not. There needs to be more stuff like that. It's about proving to the haters that you aren't who they hate, and that you have a common enemy.

I don't see many trans people doing that. I see excuses being made and shit like wishing for kids to be abused and mistreated.

People who disagree with the shitty stuff need to congregate and make their voices heard.

@beardalaxy @anemone You can't be this DURRRRRR my dude, it's not possible. Tell you what, if I start a group called "Beardalaxy is an alien from outer space and must be stopped" and it gets the same amount of support as GAG gets, will you admit that it doesn't mean anything?

@Jazzy_Butts @anemone there's no proof I'm an alien from outer space. Plenty of proof of groomers out there.

@beardalaxy @anemone BULLSHIT, I have the proof motherfucker, I have plenty of eye witnesses, who have told me many stories! (none of this is true but it's the same stupid ass bullshit you're saying in essence)

@beardalaxy @anemone The same shit you're talking about but you literally comprehend that because you have a problem

@Jazzy_Butts @anemone I'm not the one that has the problem here, Mr psychic gf, fake cult leader, "I wish gay men would abuse children and share the videos on the internet"

@beardalaxy @anemone You can hate me cause you ain't me but it looks bad on you

@beardalaxy @anemone That's fine, there's things about you that annoy me too, I don't want to bother you about it

@Jazzy_Butts @beardalaxy @anemone "Beardalaxy is an alien from outer space and must be stopped"
Agreed send that mf back to venus before he probes me and abducts cattle

@beardalaxy @anemone > I don't see many trans people doing that.

Wow good to know, now I know that since I have never seen beardalaxy speak out against infant cannibalism he must be in favor of it, or at the very least by doing nothing he is allowing evil to flourish, he must be stopped!

@beardalaxy @anemone You are anti bullying and anti gaslighting, I still don't see what trannies have to do with that besides certain bad people being trans along with being bad.

@Jazzy_Butts @anemone where are the good people who happen to be trans, jazzy? Why don't I see any of them saying or doing anything about this? Like...... Blair White? If you even count her? That's all that comes to mind. I know there are a shit ton of black people out there that don't subscribe to PC shit about black people but I just have not seen the same kind of response from trans people. They're either silent, or they're staunch supporters.

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