
@minespatch idgaf if he's autistic, if he's already been arrested this many times maybe he shouldn't be in a room with a lone woman. Fuck that entire faculty and fuck the "justice" system.

Kids did not do anything wrong to deserve to be put in a prison where they are brainwashed into worshiping the totalitarian government

Teachers are on the pro totalitarian team

Same teacher probably told kids to cut off their body parts and probably deserved what they got

If people beat up teachers at public schools then I have no problem with that

I am not telling people to break the law and attack people on the totalitarian team, I am merely saying that if they do I have no problem with that

It would be like a slave who did nothing wrong to deserve becoming a slave beating up a slave master

If people beat up random people who are not on the pro totalitarian team that is different and I do have a problem with that

You should use words not fists but they censored the words
@justnormalkorean @shortstories @beardalaxy @minespatch Brainwashing a retard is like trying to flush a porta-potty.
Some things just can't be done.

@TheWanax @shortstories @justnormalkorean @minespatch dark fedi's brand of autism is a lot different than the usual autism. Ask any random tranny anywhere else if they're neurodivergent and you'll see what I mean lol.

@justnormalkorean @beardalaxy @shortstories @minespatch GN
Sorry to disappoint. Maybe trade stories another night.
(I learned quickly to never click on the shaded images on nighttime chudbuds. I may have never slept again. But that's for another time.)
He thought he was playing Angry Goy and the teacher was a transgender person he was supposed to defeat. I blame video games and not enough censorship of hate speech

A spokesperson for the charity Community Security Trust, which fights anti-Semitism, said: "It may sound like a pathetic example of race hate, but this is actually a deep incitement to commit murders inside gay clubs, synagogues and other targets far-right hatred. We are all grimly familiar with the reality of mass shootings at such locations, which makes this so-called game even more dangerous and stomach turning."


@beardalaxy @minespatch Maybe he would've killed himself instead of beating up his teacher if his teacher took away his iPod instead.

@xianc78 @minespatch an autistic niggerling wouldn't have enough self control to hold their anger and depression until shooting up a school for maximum retribution like white kids do, they just unleash as soon as possible.

@beardalaxy @minespatch It's where "an hero" came from. This was back in 2006 and someone posted on his MySpace memorial page calling him "an hero" and that term has been used to describe people who kill themselves ever since.

@xianc78 @minespatch also thanks for linking quite possibly the cringiest ED entry I've ever seen

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