i completed Pokemon Sword and ppl hated on this game for absolutely no reason
"oh wow, the game for 6 y/os is not hardcore like my soulless soulslikes nintendo pls fix"
the final boss still nearly kicked my butt 😢 so maybe it's not that the game is "easy", maybe you are a pokemon nerd and need to play another game series


@tomie I think people hated on it because it looked/ran like shit and not the gameplay. Was that the one that like cut back on a lot of Pokémon using the excuse that it was hard to model so many of them but then people found out they just used 3ds models anyway?

@beardalaxy idk, ran okay for me even back then straight from cartridge on normal switch

>Was that the one that like cut back on a lot of Pokémon using the excuse that it was hard to model so many of them but then people found out they just used 3ds models anyway?
yeah, lol
afaik they just sold the rest of pokemon as DLC

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