It all goes back to Yatterman. :zerotwo_smug:

Also, curse Miyamoto for depriving us from a Doronjo-style villainess.

Not content with crushing Paper Mario originality against heroic employee Kensuke Tanabe's wishes, he also took Wapeach from us before seeing the designs. Wario got screwed! :wario_angry:

And this is the same Miyamoto that didn't let Mario do the peace sign for 20 years because it was too childish.

Man's got a hate boner for everything he created. :pepe_fact:

@Tadano @rasterman @ixe0321 can confirm, he fucking destroyed star fox, pulverized it into oblivion. He may have helped zelda stay good for very long, but he's had some dumb ass opinions on things and everyone just blindly trusts him or even thinks it's good because he's miyamoto.

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