@coolboymew You should wait for the amateur video game hosting site that I'm coding for @graf and @beardalaxy. I'm considering having woke games filtered from search results by default.


@xianc78 like i said, i'd want it to be a site everyone can use. i'd mark "LGBT" as an opt-in filter, as well as "political activism." but making it a "woke" filter is cringe... obviously nobody would upload stuff like that and it'll turn into a right-wing extremist echo chamber like everything else does online when it comes to free platforms, which is what i would ideally like to avoid.

during account setup, you could display a list of those filters and ask which ones the user wants to see, then mention they can change it at any time in their user settings.

i think an independent game or account mute feature would be great too, considering that not every filter is going to be extremely verbose. someone who opts in to the loli and gore filters might not necessarily want to see both together, so that one game that keeps popping up on their feed that features both they can have the chance to just mute and forget about.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 What if you had the ability to 'shadow-tag' games as LGBT without the creators knowing, so if they posted cringe but didn't tag it as such you can filter it without them knowing

@Spingebill @xianc78 shadow-anything is in poor form imo. i'd just tag it as lgbt if it had lgbt themes in it and if the creator had a problem with that we could talk about it. one side character being a little fruity or something probably wouldn't be deserving of a tag though, i'd think it would need to be a bit more in-your-face though not quite crossing the line into preachy territory.

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