‘Transitioning’ teen arrested in Florida after faking home invasion, killing mom and mom’s boyfriend: police | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com


@mitchconner @PNS it’s always whiteness and never the fact that they’re taking brain altering chemicals and being groomed on discord

I'm always confused with these articles. So it's a "real-woman" who wanted to be a fake-man, right? ... Female double homicides and mass shootings are pretty rare, so I guess it's good we're finally getting some equal representation! We still need more female serial killers though.

@djsumdog @jeff @marine @mitchconner @PNS To be serious for a moment, injecting excess testosterone does seem to have a very bad effect on women. Even those on low doses report reduced impulse control, violent tendencies, etc.

(Whether it is objectively more likely to cause antisocial behaviour in women than naturally occurring testosterone is in men is an interesting question. Does it affect women more, or are men better adapted / socialised / trained to deal with the side effects having gone through gradually increasing amounts during puberty, etc.)

@Flick @marine @djsumdog @jeff @PNS The doctors who push "sex changes" are at least as evil as any of the nazi doctor stories we've heard, regardless of how true they may have been. I still think we need to pity these people as victims at some point. Only God can give these doctors the justice they deserve. The hormones are killing them.
@mitchconner @Flick @PNS @djsumdog @jeff @marine there's a difference between someone swindled into this, and someone swindling others into it out of malice.

remember this.
@jeff @PurpCat @djsumdog @marine @Flick @PNS >Doctors
>Promise to help you be healthy
>Inject you with poison
kind of the theme eh? I stopped taking all prescription drugs a couple years ago and now meet all my needs with over the counter supplements. The Now Natural Clinical Cardio supplement has been more helpful than the TWO drugs I was on. Now I'm not drenched with sweat all the time like I was for most of my life.

@mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick I was on lots of different meds for depression and epilepsy throughout high school and they fucked me up hardcore. The therapy I had while on them was ass. Took a couple years after stopping taking them to feel normal again. Those high school years feel like a completely different person lived them, like I watched someone else's memories. It's really weird.

My best friend got his degree in pharmacology last year and has already quit. Says he hates the culture and doesn't want to be complicit in fucking people over because he's seen it happen in real time. I hope one day we look back on all of this and see what a monstrous machine it was.

@beardalaxy @mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick Has your friend looked into alternative medicine? There are plenty of careers in that field.


@xianc78 he was telling me about wanting to research nootropics or something along those lines. don't think he's thought about anything outside of that though. i think he was going to have to move to california if he wanted to study it, something along those lines.

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