I had these shoes for 15 years. Older than some of my cousins. They served me well, far better than any other shoe I've ever had. They were hella comfy. Alas, it is time for them to go. RIP little guys.

@beardalaxy Most people can't even keep shoes for one year, let alone 15.

@xianc78 i genuinely don't understand how people go through some stuff so fast. i don't do anything special...
i have another pair of shoes that are also getting tossed soon that are 8 year old vans. they just barely started to come undone where the fabric meets the soles.
meanwhile, @Pawlicker , i have new balances from 2-3 years ago that have already been worn down from the inside out.

i got two new pairs of vans, some slip ons to replace these guys and some nicer ones to replace my daily drivers, the 8 year old ones.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 I wear white Reebok Classics for work, they're comfy but look wagie enough.

@Pawlicker @xianc78 the lady at the shoe shop and my roommate recommended me new balances and i didn't really like em that much :P

i think my feet like flat soles a lot more. that's why these shoes were so comfy... they practically had no soles.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 reeboks are great my issue with new balances is the laces seem to come loose easily

@Pawlicker @beardalaxy
Then they are automatically shit. I never learned how to tie my shoes. I literally rely on velcro shoes made for the elderly and the disabled. I don't know why so many people go through all that trouble when a much superior option exists.

@beardalaxy @Pawlicker I was actually joking about the not knowing how to tie shoes part, but I hate shoe laces with a passion.

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