mr. beast is cooked and i've been waiting for this for years

i hope that everyone who got fucked up is okay and that they'll get taken care of


@LukeAlmighty well the first thing is that he apparently was in the same discord server that chris tyson was doing weird shit with minors was in, and it was all public so he likely knew about it. they've since pretty much wiped everything they could including the accounts themselves, but the internet never forgets.

then there has been this whole exposé about how he fakes a lot of challenges and usually ends up giving prize money to his own employees or friends/family members of said employees instead of any randos people who are in the challenge. in addition to that, he's apparently breaking the law when it comes to raffles but idk much about how that works so not sure.

but the more major thing recently is that he had a big game show with amazon with thousands of people and there are reports from lots of people saying that the conditions of the show were extremely poor, from people getting really hurt during physical challenges due to lack of moderation, having seizures because they were denied their medicine, and food/water being scarce because they didn't have enough supplies.

it's basically all crumbling down at once.

@LukeAlmighty and we know that it isn't just people salty about losing the game show because actual nurses from the nearby hospital are talking about it

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