did a little bit of jogging on my morning walk today, which is good! hopefully i can slowly work up to jogging the whole time. it was only maybe 1/4 today. that's really where i'm going to start seeing improvements. would like to get my resting heart rate down from 65-70 to 60, or lower! and start to shed this little belly i've got going. would be awesome.


i'm also going to be REALLY cutting back on the soda that i drink. it's usually on average 1 can a day right now. basically gonna go through the rest of it that i bought and then after that it'll only be when i'm out to eat with friends or something like that. last time i cut back on soda i dropped 7lbs just by doing that so, pretty good.

i swear i'm not addicted to it or anything, it just tastes so good 😭 i wish i could just get the taste from some other source lol. i don't even particularly like caffeine in my soda, i just like the taste.

@beardalaxy Phase it out with sweet tea, then half-and-half, then unsweet tea. That's what I did back in high school.

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