Tried making Damaris in the inZOI character editor demo. If you edit beyond the default faces the expressions get super weird, so I would hope that you can edit expressions too. Otherwise, it looks decent enough I think! A little uncanny but not too shabby.

I think I'll try making myself soon too to see how males look.

The one I like most is probably the last one, and this is a filtered version with less contrast and such. She looks like she came straight out of a Silent Hill 3 cutscene.


beard face reveal!!!!!

okay so this isn't perfect, but it's decently close. i'm tired of character creators that don't have big, full beards. it's part of the reason why i just play female characters, because i can never find beards that work for my character. they all look like crap.

also, who tf wears beanies like this? it's all i ever see in character creation, these beanies that don't cover ears. i think if i had a bigger beard and the beanie covered my ears this would look much closer to me.

@xianc78 well i'm sorry to let you down but i am 1/16 native :emoji_cope:

@xianc78 idk lol. the funny thing is that i'm native canadian so i can't get benefits in the usa, but if i moved to canada i wouldn't be native enough to get benefits xD

i've got swedish, danish, and english in there as well too though.

@applejack @xianc78 vi sitter har i venten och spelar lite dota! 🇸🇪

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