Well, that is the entire point of the poll though. To see, if their hatred of us is genuine, or just a weird meme.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior That does make a lot of sense. I could even see Christians and Muslims fighting against Jews if Christianity, particularly western Christianity, wasn't already subverted by Judaism more or less at this point. From my point of view, Christianity and Islam have more in common with each other than Christianity and Judaism do, most notably to me the acknowledgement of Jesus as a Prophet being a lot closer to Jesus as the Son of God and a Prophet rather than a blasphemer who was murdered over an actual criminal and is being tortured for all of eternity.
However this is just another example of religious propaganda imo. "You like God, and you like God, so you should both go die in a war that doesn't really have much to do with that!" The US does this all the time with Judaism. "Jesus was a Jew, and most of us are Christian, so that means we have to listen to what the Jews say and protect them no matter what!" It's totally full of shit. The elite know *exactly* what they're doing by bringing religion into the equation because religion has been used to control people for an extremely long time.