inb4 "voting doesn't matter" but i won't vote for anyone if their platform includes anything about israel other than not engaging in any sort of relationship with them whatsoever.
i just hate how the us has to get involved in everyone else's fucking business when we have more than enough problems on our own soil. problems that, if addressed, would do far more good than giving weapons to people to destroy each other with.
@beardalaxy War is always bad
When it comes to defensive wars, I get supporting people. (Sorry Russians)
But the Israel war is a conquest on the side of Israel. There is literally no reason for any non-muslim people to be pushing there so fucking hard. Just leave the territory to the owners or glass it. But prolonged war on that cursed land just results in dead muslims and dead jews........
What am i saying? I support israel and their holy roght to hold that territory
@LukeAlmighty our money would legitimately be better spent in the sinkhole that is cancer research than weapons of mass destruction for people with wildly different ideals in a place 99% of us won't ever step foot in.
@LukeAlmighty listen i'm trying to be the nexus of war and ban modding israel okay
I know...
Sorry. It was a bad time to shitpost.
We are in the middle of the same conversation here in Czech Republic too.
When it comes to the fight between Israel and literally the rest of Muslim land, I just hope both sides have fun.
One side has a clear numerical advantage though, so making it more balanced does sound quite reasonable.