despite my better judgement, matana played Silent Hill 3 

and well I'll be, this is actually a very well done game! It is spooky and scary and the sound design with the level design are able to make your skin crawl, and Heather has a character and she actively shows it

the madlads took two games, but they done it, it's a good game! I recommend it to everyone :blobsmile:


despite my better judgement, matana played Silent Hill 3 

@matana silent hill 3 is i think objectively the best silent hill game. i go back and forth whether i like it or silent hill 2 more. silent hill 3 has a much better story and far superior combat, extremely detailed animations, and an absolute killer soundtrack with vocal tracks! it's really good. silent hill 2 just has a certain mood to it that speaks to me though and that's something that transcends any jank making it worse imo.

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